The new student

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In this au, all of them goes to the same school. The students are all rich! Until.

"Guys!" Hinata shouted.

"What is it, Hinata?" Sugawara asked.

"We have a new student, and-" Hinata was cut off by Kuroo.

"THAT'S GREAT!" Kuroo cheered.

"No no, you don't understand!" Hinata said.


"The new student got enrolled here not because of money, but because of the entrance exam!!" Hinata continued.

The school was big. All rich students go there because of how fancy it is. They didn't took an exam to enrolled there, since they have money.

"Wait, we didn't took an entrance exam. Is the exam easy or hard?" Yamaguchi said.

"I heard that the entrance exam is for college." Tsukishima said.

"What? But, we are just high schoolers (Is that how you spell it?)" Akaashi said.

"Maybe the kid has intelligence." Sakusa said.

"Is that him?" Suna asked.

They looked at the direction and was meet by a boy with raven haired color, royal dark blue eyes and very attractive. Tsukishima's heated up.

"Hey, new kid!" Bokuto called.

"Yes? May i help you?" the new kid politely asked.

"So polite" Everyone thought.

"What is your name?" Kuroo asked.

"My name is Kageyama Tobio. It's pleasure to meet you all." Kageyama introduced as he bowed.

"Hello, my name is Hinata Shoyou!!" Hinata said.

"Hello. If you do not mind, i have to go to class. Goodbye!" Kageyama bowed one more time and left.

"He's so polite" Daichi said.

"Guys!" Yamaguchi called.

Everyone looked at him and was shocked, some was holding their laugh.

"Tsukki's dying!!!" Yamaguchi said.

Kuroo and Bokuto laughed out loud as they saw Tsukishima's super red blushed.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Tsukishima shouted.


Tsukishima simping over
Kageyama? Yes sir!

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