Pass the flower

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This part is inspired by a meme from youtube called, "Pass the flower meme". Enjoy.


Senior high school, graduated. College, successfully graduated. Everyone in the volleyball team, friends and families are invited to Yamaguchi and Terushima's wedding.

Terushima waited at the front with the priest. His best man is Ennoshita. Yamaguchi's best man was Tsukishima, ofc.

After a few minutes, the door finally opened, revealing Yamaguchi. Tsukishima walks with him towards the groom.

Yamaguchi- Bride
Terushima- Groom

Tsukishima successfully walked his best friend to the groom. Yamaguchi hugs Tsukishima while Tsukishima hugs back. They smiled at each other, before Tsukishima went towards his boyfriend, Kageyama Tobio. The both of them smiled at each other before they hold hands.

After the talks and everything, because i have no idea how weddings works.

Skip time to party time!

Everyone was having fun. Everyone step side as they let the new wedding couple. Kageyama and Tsukishima just watch them.

"I wish we can be like that too.." Kageyama mumbled, but Tsukishima heard it.

Tsukishima smiled.
It was time for the bride to throw the flower. The others were ready to catch it. Kageyama was just sitting in the back. He really wants to catch the flower but he was to tired. He wasn't paying attention at the group, until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He saw Yamaguchi. He grabs Kageyama's hand to make him stand up. He then hand him the flower, making Kageyama shock and confuse. He saw Yamaguchi smiled as he walks away.

"What's going on?.." Kageyama asks to himself, when he saw the people starting to gasp and giggled.


"Kei?-" Kageyama said, as he turned around and stopped at his traces. His eyes widened when he saw Tsukishima was kneeling in one knee and ring on his hands.

"Kageyama Tobio, we have been dating for 5 years. And, i wanted it to be forever. I had finally found the one for me and want to make it mine forever. So Tobio, will you be mine forever and marry me?" Tsukishima proposed.

Kageyama nodded softly with tears of joy and said, "Yes."

Tsukishima putted the ring on Kageyama's left hand ring finger. He then kisses him and Kageyama kisses him back.

Everyone clap their hands and cheered for the new engaged couple.

"I love you, Kei."

"I love you too, Tobio."

Everyone continued the party as the others started to congratulate the new engaged couple.


I feel so single when i wrote
A fluff about them.

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