My best frand: I'll tell you


You: yay!


My best frand: but you ain't saying this to anyone


You: okay~

You: but if I did

You: they would never believe me


My best frand: what?!

My best frand: how?


You: they think you are a man-hater


My best frand: oh

My best frand: great then

My best frand: let them think whatever they want to


You: ok then

You: now can you tell how you started liking him though?


My best frand: yes I'm coming to that part

My best frand: so first it was like I just wanted to be his friend when he first came to school

My best frand: I was also curious to see his face fully

My best frand: I tried to initiate a conversation, but he never talked to me fully

My best frand: I thought I was making him uncomfortable so I left him alone


You: okay then?


My best frand: but then on the day his face was exposed and

My best frand: and I was like wow he's gorgeous

My best frand: but I still kept my distance from him

My best frand: I admired him from far


You: ooh!

You: now let's get it!


My best frand: shut up!

My best friend: anyway I got paired with him

My best frand: I was like what?!

My best frand: and you know what happened next


You: yeah okay


My best frand: I hate you


You: love you too boo! 😘

You: anyway I feel he likes you back as well

You: I don't know why but I just do feel like it


My best frand: stop joking around

My best frand: he can never like me

My best frand: look at me!

My best frand: I'm a mess!

My best frand: I kick people's asses for fun!

My best frand: I curse too much!

My best frand: everyone is scared of me!

My best frand: I eat like a pig!

My best frand: he can never like me!

My best frand: he probably likes the shy, cute and kind type of girls and I'm far from that

My best frand: and you fall in that category

My best frand: why do I always fall for the shy type!?

My best frand: I hate my life!


You: not everyone ends up liking their ideal type!

You: and how do you even think that he doesn't like you?


My best frand: I don't know

My best frand: I just feel like it



You: you are stupid

You: if he doesn't end up liking you and likes some annoying kInD bitch then he has missed the diamond while digging up through the mud


My best frand: no I'm like dirt

My best frand: literally dirt


You: shut up

You: you don't even know how many guys find you hot and scary when you are mad

You: I've heard a lot of gossip from them


My best frand: oh wow

My best frand: but they are never going to have a chance with me!


You: then why don't you have the same attitude with Jungkook?


My best frand: I don't know

My best frand: anyway I think Taehyung likes you as well


You: whaaaat?

You: bitch stop joking

You: he looks like a greek god at this age

You: there's gotta be another greek goddess by his side

You: not me!

You: I'm a peasant compared to him!!


My best frand: bitch shut the fuck up

My best frand: you keep telling me that guys do like me

My best frand: yet you are like this

My best frand: you better stop putting your nose in those books and look around!

My best frand: you have never noticed people literally sighing like love-struck animals when you pass by them!

My best frand: I've heard my guy friends literally gushing on how cute you are!

My best frand: they find you cute while reading!

My best frand: even when you are eating!

My best frand: and you eat like a pig!!

My best frand: and they find you cute while eating like a pig!

My best frand: they even have asked to set you up with them!

My best frand: I have heard Abbey saying that if you were a guy

My best frand: she would get into your pants as soon as possible!

My best frand: you seriously don't know how gorgeous you are!


You: 😶

You: I'm speechless


My best frand: 😤

My best frand: good


also, I have been informed that Taehyung has made a fan account to talk to other ARMYs.

... I'll try to control my freak then... and where are you, you little shit? come out come out wherever you are! 🔫🔫

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