Chapter 34 ~ Confusion

Start from the beginning

Aang took a stance, and pushed his hand forward. A little cloud of black smoke escaped from the tips of his fingers.

"Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration?" Aang said, grinning sheepishly.

Zuko nodded. "Good idea. You might wanna take a couple steps back."

Zuko got in a basic firebending stance and tried to shoot a blast of fire. However, the end product was nothing close to his usual power. Only a small gust of flames was ejected from his hand.

"What was that? That was the worst firebending I've ever seen!" He groaned.

Aang clapped, unsure of what to feel. "I though it was... Nice."

Zuko tried a few more times before pulling at his hair in annoyance. "Why is this happening?"

"Maybe it's the altitude?" Aang offered.

"Yeah. Maybe." Zuko said pensively. "You try Y/N."

I had been sitting in my seat next to Toph, still eating food. "Me?"

"Yeah. If you can't do it either, it must be the lack of air because of the height."

"Sure." I put my plate down and joined the two.

I opened the palm of my hand and a flame grew in my palm. "It seems normal."

Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. "Try making it bigger."

I spread my legs apart and threw a punch. A large blast of ghostly fire erupted from my hand.

"I don't think the altitude is the problem." Said Aang.

"I know that!" Snapped Zuko. "I just don't know why I can't make fire."

"Try again. Just breathe, and-" I prompted.

Zuko took a deep breath before making another attempt. He only managed to produce a measly flame.

"That one kind of felt hot." Pointed out Aang.

Zuko was getting angry. "Don't patronize me! You know what it's supposed to look like!"

"Sorry, Sifu Hotman."

"And don't call me that!"

"Ok, sorry. You don't mind if I call you Sifu Hotwoman, do you Y/N?"

"I guess not. Whatever you like."


Sokka joined Katara and Toph, taking an apple before taking a look at us.

"Hey, jerks! Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerkbending?" He said, taking a bite out of his red apple. It wasn't a good idea to say that, because it only made Zuko madder and I got annoyed.

"Get out of here!" Shouted Zuko.

"Okay, take it easy. I was just kidding around." He chuckled, turning to leave us alone. "Jerkbending, still got it."

I grit my teeth. His attitude was becoming insufferable.

"You two continue. I'm going to have a little talk with him." I said, venom laced in my words as I walked away to follow the pony-tailed boy.

Zuko and Aang stared at me quizzically before deciding it was better not to mess with me.

They made the right choice. I was really pissed.

"Sokka!" I said. "We need to talk."

He turned to face me. "Fine."

"Somewhere private."

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