Dating Billie Eilish includes...

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What dating Billie Eilish would include:

- Driving around in her Black Dodge Challenger

- Being with her during her tic attacks 

- Calming her down when she's anxious or really nervous

- Probably being the inspiration of her songs

- Being one of the first ones to hear her song (but only a sneak peek)

- Calling her 'bean' (I-I don't know why I chose bean...)

- Her calling you 'mamas' (naturally) 

- Constantly being terrified that she's gonna sprain her ankle  or some shit (ngl this girl be getting hurt like 24/7)

- Being best friends with Finneas

- Helping her write a few songs every once in a while or providing back-up vocals for the song

- Being kind of her manager

- Watching her sleep at night (but not in that creepy ass way)

- Eating strawberries together (yknow i feel like billie would be in love with straberries, like she would eat them non-stop lol)

- Texting you every other minute asking how youve been and stuff

- Being with cameras like everyday

- Posting cheesy couples photos

- Bonding over sneakers :)

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