You're In His Neighborhood

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A/N These imagines first came into my mind because of 

A/N These imagines first came into my mind because of 

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literally my favorite elliot page gif like ^^^

Reader POV

It was my first time in Canada, where my boyfriend's town was. 

I was meeting his family for the first time in person and I was really hoping that they'd like me. After all, I really do like Elliot.

Elliot noticed my nervousness and squeezed my hand as we sat in the front of his car.

I smiled at him and continued to hold his hand as I looked out the window.

Elliot turned the steering wheel left and pointed to a small building with a red door. He shifted the stick into park and sighed.

"My parent's house." He said, sitting back in his seat and just watching it.

I took a deep breath.

"You okay?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Kinda. Just a little nervous, I guess."

Elliot rubbed my back, instantly calming my nerves.

"My family is... interesting. They're chill enough. You'll be fine." He said, laughing to himself a little. 

"Yeah." I said.

He noticed I was still nervous. 

"Hey, y/n." He called.

I turned my head away from the window and I felt his lips crash into mine. We kissed passionately for a couple of seconds until he pulled away. Elliot winked and got out of the car. I smiled to myself and I stepped out the car as the cold breeze brushed my cheeks. 

Elliot took my hand and walked me towards the door. Before either of us knocked, the door stood wide open and I was facing his mother. 



A/N how'd you like, totally loving elliot page rn also i was on omegle the other day and i met this homophobic person and our convo literally went like this (i forgot the person's user and even if i did i wouldnt say it anyways UwU):

person: yknow its a sin to like girls

me: ok and?

person: you need to like guys

me: well i do like guys

person: do you like celebs?

me: only one...

person: then who

me: tell me yours first

person: i like brent rivera, i mean he's kinda cute

person: now tell me yours

me: fine but im gonna show you a picture of him

me: my favorite white boy UwU

me: my favorite white boy UwU

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>>person left the chat<<

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>>person left the chat<<


i laughed so fricking hard afterward they left, have a nice spring break ppl!

p.s. on netflix, there's this show called Two Sentence Horror Stories and ive only watched the first two episodes so far and i love it because of its LGBTQ+ inclusiveness! its not that scary (in my opinion) but its rated PG-14 so... i recommend this big time!

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