epilogue- part 2

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"Mr and Mrs Lewis, please have a seat." Principal Jacobs says as me and Ryker enter her office. I look over at Claire and try to hide my smile. 

She is totally me and Ryker's kid.

"Alright, lets get this over with" Ryker says sitting down and crossing his arm over his chest. I take the seat next to him and watch Jacobs sigh and move to behind her desk.

"It's seem Claire got into a bit of a tussle with Blake again. This is the 3rd time Claire has hit one of the boys in her class, I'm not here to accuse your guys of anything but you should really teach her not to hit others" She says, I scoff and look over my 11 year old. 

"And did you ask her why she hit him?" Ryker asks clearly annoyed with the principal since we first enrolled Claire here. We've taught Claire how to protect herself and not be anyone's doormat, something tells me my daughter didn't just randomly hit some boy in her class.

"She said he called her the b word and that her parents taught her to not let someone talk to her like that"

I roll my eyes, of fucking course we told our kid not to let someone talk to her like that unless its in good fun like me and her father.

"Did he call her that? Because if he did then I see no problem with her response" I say, the woman glares at me and clenches her jaw. 

"I can't just take a 5th grader's word for it, and this school has a zero tolerance policy against violence"

"I'm sorry did you not talk to this Blake kid before calling us? Miss Jacobs, me and my husband both work full time and had to leave our jobs to be here. If you don't have a full story yet, then I see no point of us being here. Now if you excuse us we are going for ice cream, because our daughter is no liar and did exactly as we taught her. I'll be damned if you think violence is only physical" I say, getting up. Ryker follows after Claire and I as I check her out and walk out of her school.

Ryker swings his arm over my shoulders and kisses the side of my head.

"All of these years later and you are still the badass women I married" He whispers, I smile down at our first child and lean into him. 

I would protect Claire and our younger child, Beckett, with my life. Not a chance in hell will I let some annoying, single 40 year old women tell me I'm doing a bad job parenting my child because she knows to stand up for herself. 

And if you are wondering, I was pregnant during the wedding. Two weeks after we got back from our honeymoon, I got sick and surprise, surprise I was 6 weeks pregnant. So much for breaking family tradition. 

My mom found it very funny, while my dad looks like he was going to pass out. I don't think he found it very assuming that Ryker and I had sex before getting married. But it's not like he can be that mad since he did the same.

And Ryker's parents just laughed, they were very happy for us and supportive like my parents were once my dad processed it. 

"I'm so close to pulling the kids from that school, I hate that principal" I grumble, he kisses my head and opens the door to the ice cream shop. 

Claire runs up the glass and looks at all of the flavors, Mike the man who owns the shop smiles at us before giving Claire a few samples.

"I'll pick up Beck from school and you get the honors of asking little miss fight club over what happened with the kid" Ryker says as we join Claire at the counter to order.

"Wonderful, just stay 5 feet away from his teacher. I swear that women is blind to the ring on your finger" He laughs and grabs my ass playfully making me smack his arm. 

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