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I speed down the freeway, night was quickly settling in over California. It's been 2 hours since my escape and Ryker hasn't seemed to noticed since my phone only has texts from Kelsey. I wanted to text her, but I know I can't.

The mere second Ryker realizes I'm gone, my phone will be tracked to find me, so I turn it off. He won't get to me, and I'll be damned to let my father get to me.

I drive further into the rural countryside of California as I make my way to the Nevada border. My plan is to get to New York, I have a couple friends there who will let me crash with until I plan my next move. 

And I know what you are thinking. 

Braylon, isn't this a little irrational? Running from your problems solves nothing.

And no, this is perfectly rational. With me off the grid, my dad can figure out the threats and I can't be hurt. Also if you haven't noticed Ryker is kind of an asshole and I'll be damned to let him try to protect me. He might be hot, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to submit to him and let him treat me like some damsel in distress. Cause I'm far from that, I'm my own hero and need no one else. When I was younger I let people help me but now I'm a full grown ass woman and don't need some big strong man to save me.

The burner phone Ryker gave me started buzzing and I feel like pissing him off, so I answer.

"You have reached the 'I don't give a fuck' hotline. How may I tell you to go fuck yourself today?" I say with a big smile, I can hear Ryker growl through the phone.

"Where the fuck are you, Braylon" Anger dripping from his words, I laugh and watch as the sun sets behind the hills.

"Oh you know, just going for a drive." My foot presses harder onto the accelerator as I'm the only one on the road now.

"Get your ass back here now, before I make you" I can basically picture the scowl on his face, I suck in a loud breath through my teeth before laughing again.

"No can do, and I'm like really far away. And what do you mean make me? Cause when I said that you sucked on my neck and had something very hard in your pants" I smile as I continue to speed down the road.

"Depends if you have been a good girl or not, but seriously turn around and come back"

"I don't think you understand. I don't trust you so it makes it hard for me to let you protect me, and you clearly are sexually frustrated. So go fuck a track bunny and call me back, then maybe I will consider coming back, Daddy" Then I end the call and focus on the road. I snicker to myself wondering how Ryker is reacting to what I called him.

He must be out of his goddamn mind if he thinks I will just listen to his every command like some damn puppy.


After driving for literally hours the sun starts to come up and I need gas, I see a small station up ahead and pull over. I full up my tank and pay the clerk inside with the cash. Now that I think of it, I'm pretty hungry. I get a water and two protein bars, before getting back on the road. 

Even though I'm tired and in need of a shower I can't stop until I'm out of California. I will get found here, but my chances of staying off the grid are higher if I get out of here. My dad rules California, so staying isn't an option no matter how big the state is. 

While eating the protein bar, I see a police officer. I pull my hair up, put on a hat, and sunglasses. My speed returns to back under the speed limit as I pass him, luckily I go unnoticed. But the burner starts ringing again. I roll my eyes and answer.

"What" I bark, 

"Something got me thinking" He states in an eerily calm tone, "Oh yeah?" I answer picking my speed back up.

"You must be running low on gas, even if your tank was full you wouldn't make it out of California" I laugh at his statement.

"Way ahead of you, I always have cash on hand. In fact I just refilled, but nice try. While I have you on the phone, did you get your dick wet yet?" I ask making the sarcasm in my voice known.

"I did, but it was a bar slut not a track bunny." His tone gets darker and huskier making me squirm.

"Damn a bar slut? I bet she was a yappy little thing"

"Oh yeah she didn't stop talking for one second, but I was thinking about something else the whole time."

"Really? And what were you thinking about?"

"What it would be like to fuck you" I feel the heat pool in my underwear at his words, but he will never get the pleasure of knowing that.

"Keep dreaming, cause I'm not into the whole douchebag vibe you got going on there"

"But you will be, now I got to go. I have to track you down and keep your dumbass safe" He sighs.

"Good luck with that, cause it will never happen. Fuck you later Daddy" And with that I hang up and toss the burner in the backseat. 

 My mind started racing with the ideas of being with Ryker, after Friday night I knew he was big. But I want to know what it would be like to have him dominate me and take control. The only sex I have ever had was with my high school boyfriend and he only lasted 2 minutes and I didn't finish. It was terrible, no one but myself has ever made me cum. But Ryker looks like he could with just a finger.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Ryker is just an asshole and it will be a cold day in hell when I let him touch me in anyway, or at least that's what I tell myself.

I see the Nevada sign and a smile forms on my face, bye bye Cali. 


The sun starts to retreat again as I drive into a small town in the middle of no where, I spot a cheap looking motel and pull in. 

I walk into the small room the guy at the front desk got me and sit down, it's small but it will work for the night. I take a shower and find some clean clothes, across the street is a small diner.

That should work for dinner.

I jog across the street and get a burger, fries, and a water. The food is decent and the staff is nice, a pit starts to form in my stomach as I pay. Something was wrong.

The gun in my waistband is still there and secure, but I don't feel in danger but like someone who isn't supposed to be here is here. After much thinking I decide I will just move my car to behind the diner and walk to get it in the morning so incase Ryker somehow does show up he won't see my car.

I do just that and get back to my room, sleep takes over the second I lay down and I let it.

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