s i x- Ryker's POV

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Fuck, fuck, fuck

I left the room key out when I went to shower

I leave the bathroom hoping Braylon would be on her phone watching more annoying ass videos or whatever the hell she does on there, but nope, she is gone. 

You have got to be fucking kidding

Maybe she went under the bed and is trying to scare me, but she isn't in here. But the room key I left on accident is gone and the clothes she was wearing today are on a heap on the ground, plus the hotel pamphlet is wide open on the bed opened to the part talking about the pool.

It's like Braylon wants to be kill, it was terrifying the first time I realized she was gone. But at least with the key gone I know she plans on returning.

Against all logic and reasoning I get a pair of workout short, take off my shirt, grab the extra room key and leave the room. Once I make it to the roof, I scan the empty space and my eyes land on a small figure in the hot tub looking up at the sky.

I walk quietly over to her and notice the only thing on the ground is the room key she took, I'm not surprised she didn't wear shoes. She was probably in a rush out of the room, so I wouldn't catch her. Braylon doesn't notice or look when I get in and stand behind her, yeah she has a death wish.

"You never fucking listen" I say shaking my head, she's turns around with a slightly fearful expression at first but it softens once she sees me. 

"I don't listen to assholes" She grumbles before turning back around, I take notice to how small her shoulders are. Braylon looks a lot like her dad, but her body doesn't look like any of the Grey's I have met. At one point her Grandmother and I knew eachother, but she was more curvy and Braylon has more subtle curves. Maybe she has her mom's body, I have never met her mom. But I know her dad well since we help eachother out a lot.

"And how am I an asshole?" I sit down next to her and wait for her response.

"You helped that mugger get away, who mugs an old man?" She shakes her head and furrows her brows, it's becoming clear Cade had protected her from this lifestyle and she just knows how to protect herself and has a major attitude problem.

"I have no excuse for that, but I'm just trying to protect you. These people... they're bad and they don't just plan on killing you" She finally looks over at me in confusion. 

"Then what do they want with me?" Fear glazes over her ocean like eyes as she waits for answer.

"This family wants to be at the top, and they want to be feared. So they want to torture the top mafia boss' daughter, which happens to be you, to show how dangerous they are. That's why your father sent me, he knows I can protect you and not let my emotions get in the way. His men know you and watched you grow up, Cade doesn't want their love for you to get in the way." She nods and looks back up, her feisty, rude side has vanished. All that is left is a scared girl with no idea what to do, I want to just hold her and kill anyone who comes near her but I know better.

"What do you mean torture?" Her voice comes out more shaky with the question, I sigh and look up. I don't want to scare her more, but I also don't want her mind to come up with an answer instead.

"I don't know a lot about the family, but probably it would involve knifes, guns, beatings, and if they have an older son rape" I say honestly, she nods and moves a little closer to me.

"But they aren't going to get you, tomorrow morning I will let your dad know we left the state and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe" I look down at her hoping she will believe me, because I truly mean it. She stays quiet and grabs my arm, hugging it. My hand finds her shin and I rub circles into it not knowing what to say. Maybe she just needs this, Braylon has grown up probably thinking she was untouchable due to her father's position. Now she is far away from home with me, with a stranger who makes sexually comments to her, and dealing with the thoughts that she could be killed in a very brutal way.

"Where are we going?" She asks breaking the silence.

"I have a place in Texas by the gulf shores, we are going to stay there until everything is sorted out" She nods at my answer and pulls my arm closer to her small body. With her face pressed against my bicep and her small arms holding my forearm, I feel almost happy or as close to happy as I get. Braylon is starting to trust me and I know I can keep her safe now that we are out of California. 

We stay there for another 30 minutes before I notice Braylon drifting off to the sleep. I nudge her with the arm still in her grip bring her back to reality.

"We should go back down to the room" I say softly, she nods at lets me go. I watch her stand up and climb the stairs sleepily, I smile and follow her. I drape a towel over her shoulder from the rack before getting myself one. Braylon snickers and starts walking to the door.


"Nothing" She smiles, I open the door for us and walk to the room with Braylon pressing into my side. Her teeth audially clatter, I look down and see her lips are blue and her whole body shivering. I shake my head and pull her into my side while putting my towel around her shoulders. She mumbles a 'thank you' and slowly I feel her body stop shaking as hard. We get back to the room and I unlock the door. Braylon grabs some clothes before disappearing into the bathroom and I change into clean clothes and get a blanket. Braylon reenters the room and flops on the bed, her long hair covering her face from view.

I lay down on the couch and text Ezra, who was the guy who mugged the old man, but Braylon will never know that. And tell him what's going on, Braylon groans and rips the covers off the bed, clearly just wanting to sleep already.

Ezra: is she hot

Ezra: send a pic

I shake my head at his texts, but entertain him anyway

Ryker: Yeah, she is pretty hot. But she is Cade Grey's daughter and I prefer my head to stay attached to my body

Ezra: damn that's a shame, but i bet that ass is worth it

My eyes drift back over to Braylon's sleeping form, she was clearly gorgeous but like I told Ezra. Her dad would kill me for touching her, I should probably already be dead after all of the stuff I have said and thought.

Braylon was different from other girls I have been with, she rejects the idea of authority and has a very loud mind of her own. Most girls I talk to agree with everything I say and basically beg me to fuck them, while Braylon jokes about us fucking and them punches me in the balls. 

She is confusing and I have no idea what to do with her. 

My mind goes back to what she asked me in the car before she used me as a human mattress as I lay in the dark room.

Would I fuck her?

If it weren't for her father it would be a yes, but her dad is putting a lot of trust in me to keep her safe and let nothing stop me from doing so. I can't get physical with her at all, or least until this is over.

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