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"For the last fucking time Ryker, I'm not leaving the goddamn couch just to go workout" I shout at Ryker as he just stares at me with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face.

"You need to learn basic fighting skills, so get your ass off the couch" I scoff and shake my head looking back at my phone. 

"I was raised by a mafia leader, do you really think I don't know how to fight?" I questioned him, he just glares at me not speaking.

"I know this is hard for you to hear Mr macho protector man, but I can protect myself if needed. Now if you excuse me, I would like to get back to doing nothing" I answer for him, being the little bitch boy he is, he just glares at me.

I scoff and play on my phone again. Ryker sat next to me and moved my legs to drape over his, he messes with the end hem of my sweatpants as just looked ahead at the blank TV. I watched his jaw clench and unclench as he was in deep thought, what the hell is his deal today?

"Are you ok?" My foot nudges him to bring his mind back down to Earth.

"Yeah" He says shortly and continues looking straight ahead, my eyes roll and I pull my legs away. Finally Ryker looks over at me with a harsh glare. I scoff and move to straddle his lap, my hands rest on his shoulder that feel completely tense and his hands go to my waist.

"Pull the stick out of your ass and tell me why you're all grumpy" I state, Ryker groans and puts his head on my shoulder. One arm around wraps around his neck and rub small circles with my thumb into his shoulder as the other goes to his hair.

"Can we not do this" He whines.

"Spit it out" I deadpan, Ryker sighs and looks up at me.

"I would just feel better knowing you could throw a proper punch" He admits, I nod and look away from him.

Was that care I heard in his voice? Is he actually that concerned for me and my wellbeing? Because if so, that is almost sweet.

"Fine, I will go to the gym with you to prove I can protect myself. But I want something in return" He perks up and a smile forms on his face.

"What do you want in return?" His hands trail lower down my back and stop at the curve of my ass, a smirk forms on my face as I lean in closer.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out" I smile and get off him to go change for the gym, because I think wearing your roommate's/protector's sweatpants and shirt to the gym isn't very appropriate. I go into the bathroom and change into leggings and end up staying in Ryker's shirt. 

And don't even say it, I know what you are thinking. No its not a lovely dovely thing, his shirt is comfortable and I don't have to wear a bra with it. Even though I did put one on for this utter bullshit. 

"Lets get this over with" I say throwing the clothes on the ground and putting my shoes on. Ryker smiles at me and walks to the door, I follow suit as he leads the way to the buildings gym.

This is going to fucking suck ass.  


I was fucking right, it sucked ass. The whole time Ryker was pissed because I knew what I was doing and didn't need help, proving that it was pointless. 

Now I was standing against the wall waiting for Ryker to open the door to the apartment with a smug smirk on my face. Finally he opens the door and we walk in, he tosses the keys on the counter and runs a hand through his sweaty hair, a funny feeling forms in my stomach as I watch him, but it quickly vanishes as an idea comes to me.

Now I know what I want in return for his bullshit.

I grab his wrist and pull him into the bathroom, he eyes me weird as I lock the door.

"What?" I ask acting completely oblivious to what I was doing. 

"What are you doing?" He ask in an almost humorous tone, I smirk and put my hands his stomach.

"Getting my something in return" He smirks and tilts my chin up to him, I reach on my tiptoes as our lips connect. The kiss starts off slow, sweet, and passionate but quickly turns lustful and needy. Ryker turns the shower on not breaking the kiss and then pushes me up against the wall. His hand go under my thighs and lift me up, my legs go around his waist as my arms do the same around his neck. We pull away and catch our breath.

"You smell bad" I laugh, Ryker scoffs and places his forehead against mine. 

"You do too darling" He retorts, I smile and remain quiet. "Come on" He barely whispers as he slowly lifts my shirt over my head. We somehow end up out of all our clothes with me still wrapped around him. 

Ryker walks us into the shower and the warm water wash over us. My head rests on his shoulder as he places light kisses long my neck and collarbone. I hum in contentment, never would I have expected this would be happening between me and Ryker. But I'm happy it was, something was different with him, no matter how much I hate to admit it.

I lazily look up at him as he unlatches his lips from my neck, he smiles at me and brushes a wet piece of hair out of my face.

"And here I thought we were going to have sex" Ryker says, I nod and readjust myself in his grip. 

"Me too, but this is pretty nice" I answer running a hand across his chest and to his shoulder.

"For you maybe" I look at him and roll my eyes, I unhook my legs and land softly on the shower floor. My arms stay around his shoulders and his arms around my waist, I nuzzle my face into his chest and let Ryker hold me up.

Maybe I should start working out, I'm completely worn out after an hour of sparring.

"Let's get you to bed" I hum in response as Ryker basically carries me out of the shower, even though we never really washed more like rinsed off, but that is tomorrows problem now. 

I wake up enough to dry off and put on clothes, Ryker pulls me into his side as I start fall asleep with my body pressed to his.



"You're an asshole for the shit you pulled today" I mumble, I feel his chest rumble with laughter.

"I'll make it up to you soon" He answers as sleep over takes me.

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