𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔

527 11 40

So...when life seems hard...take a bite out of the silver sandwich! 


Sokka pulled his car into the parking lot, and everyone climbed out of the car. The school always looked different in the night. Almost spookier, when it was deserted.

But not today.

The parking lot was jam packed with cars, and students were moving about to the football field, where the homecoming game was held. Aang straightened his tie, which was the exact same shade of red as Katara's dress. Spirits above, she looked even more beautiful tonight. They walked hand in hand with their friends.

Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee joined them in the parking lot.

"Hello, people," Azula said. She wore a silk strappy burgundy dress, her heels clicking against the pavement. She let her hair down, which might I add looked really good on her. Ty Lee followed, wearing a pink flared jumpsuit. Mai and Zuko entwined their fingers together, and she gave Zuko a peck on his lips. 

"Alright, guys, this is it," Sokka said. He wore a similar suit to Aang, but with a blue tie. "The moment we've all been waiting for. We've made some big changes to this school. We won the election, we got a new principal, and...we even made some new friends along the way. Here's to us, and to the rest of the year, because this is just the beginning."

Everyone clapped.

"That was beautiful, Sokka," Katara said.

"What's up with all this sappy stuff, guys? We're not going to a funeral, it's enough to make me cry!" Toph said.

"Oh, is Melon Lord upset now?" Suki teased.

"Oh shut up, honey. We've got a dance to attend!" Toph said, and they walked to the football field.

"Good luck, Aang," Zuko said before his friends took a seat on the bleachers. Aang took a deep breath. He would need to give a speech to the school.

He took out a folded up piece of paper form his pocket and read through it one more time. Katara placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You've got this, Aang," she said with a small smile.

Aang returned the smile, "Thanks, Katara."

He and Katara stood on the side of the bleachers, while Principal Iroh walked up the podium and took the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming to attend Ba Sing Se high school's annual homecoming game," the principal announced. "We hope you enjoy the game, and the a dance to follow. Before we begin, I would like to give a word to the main organizer of tonight's event and our student body president, Aang."

The audience clapped as Aang drew in a shaky breath and walked to the center of the podium, taking the microphone from Iroh.

"Good evening principal, teachers, and all students," Aang said, addressing the audience. "I welcome you all here to celebrate our annual homecoming dance at Ba Sing Se high school. I want to thank you, respected principal and of our school for providing us permission along with complete creative freedom, and I would like to thank the entire student council, our class representatives, and everyone who volunteered to help organize this event. It would not have been possible without you.

"At the end of this event, I hope you all make lots of memories and enjoy this event, including the athletes who trained hard for this game. Thank you," Aang said, stepping off the podium.

The audience applauded after Aang's speech, and then the homecoming game commenced. Most of the Gaang watched the game with hardly any interest. It seemed that only Sokka was very invested in it, cheering on their team.

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