𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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Katara shook off the person's grip and whipped her head to her right. She exhaled once she saw a familiar water tribe necklace, which could only belong to her brother.

"What was that for, Sokka?" Katara whisper shouted.

"Saving your ass, that's what," Sokka whispered back. He poked his head through the bush, trying to get a better look outside.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left," Katara said.

Sokka pulled his head out of the bush, "I would never turn my back on you, Katara, no matter what we disagree on. I sent the others ahead, and they're going to make sure that everyone gets out of the forest safely."

"Really? You did that?"

Sokka nodded, and Katara wrapped her arms around her brother. He ruffled his sister's hair.

After hugging for a brief moment, they pulled away. Katara pulled out her phone, putting it on silent and turning down the brightness. She had several messages, the majority of them from her friends in the group chat.

Katara shot her friends a message that they were hiding in On Ji's backyard and were planning on waiting until the Dai Li left.

She pocketed her phone, and slumped back. Sokka was trying to get a better view of the situation inside the house.

"I told you, this is everyone who attended the party, and they are all in front of you. There's no one else left on the premises," On Ji said.

"We were informed by an anonymous person that you were serving drinks to underage people."

"You can search the house, but you won't find anything. Heck, you can even call a doctor to check on all these people. None of them are drunk," On Ji said, putting her hands on her hips.

The Dai Li continue to search the place head to toe, but don't find anything.

They leave with a curt nod, and On Ji exhales in relief. Katara and Sokka walk to the front of the house and climb inside Sokka's car. They drove to the meeting point near Lake Laogai, where their friends were waiting.

"Thank the spirits you guys are okay!" Aang said, and Katara ran out of the car into Aang's arms.

"What happened to the people that stayed back?" Zuko asked.

"On Ji took care of it. Apparently someone reported her party for serving drinks to minors."

"I wonder who would do that," Suki said. "Obviously someone who has something against her."

"You guys should've seen the lake, the Dai Li's whole 'brainwashing' thing underground is completely gone," Zuko said.

Sokka yawned, "I'm beat. Let's head home."

"I agree," Toph said, and followed Sokka inside the car.

Later that week....

It was the final class of the day, and everyone was sitting together in the back of the classroom working on their presentations.

The teacher strolled around the room, monitoring every group's progress. Once he had passed their group, they began to converse.

"Any update on project firelord?" Zuko whispered. Firelord was their nickname for their principal. He didn't come with everyone else to the board of education's office for fear of being recognized, being the principal's son and all. 

Aang shook his head, "We already proposed our idea to the head of the board of education. They said that they are processing our request and to wait 4-5 business days for a response."

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