𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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Smoochie smoochie! Someone's in looooooovve!! *gets smacked by the fish*


"What about me and Aang?" Katara asked. 

"Oh come on! Don't pretend like nobody knows, you two are crazy about each other," On Ji said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Was I that obvious?"

"Sort of. I saw the way you looked at each other during my party. And- spirits, who could forget you guys dancing together? It's like you two were made for each other."

"So, what's your advice?"

"Ask him out, of course. There's no way he'd reject you," On Ji said, thanking the waitress as she placed their meals in front of them.

"Okay. I just thought- that maybe...you had feelings for him," Katara said.

On Ji shook her head, "I thought I did, but I realized I was wrong during the party. I don't feel anything for him. Plus, you two are perfect together, and I couldn't ruin that."

The uneasiness in Katara that she didn't know was there in the first place dissolved.

"You're a great person, On Ji," she said, taking a bite of her food. The flavor of spices burst in her mouth.

"I'm just looking out for another sister," On Ji said, and then froze. "Well, I know we just met-"

"It's fine. I would be more than happy to be friends," Katara said. "After all, you bought me food. As far as I'm concerned, you're my new favorite person." (a/n: can anyone guess what series that reference is from?)

"That's a relief. I'm glad to have another friend as well," On Ji said with a smile.

They continued eating and were nearly done with their meal when Katara's friends burst through the doors.

Katara flinched, turning around. Sokka really needed to stop bursting into rooms like the Dai Li.

"I could be a forensic scientist in the short time it took me to find you," Sokka said as his way of greeting.

"What are you guys doing here?" Katara asked, standing up.

"I could ask you the same. You don't even know On Ji that well," Sokka said.

"She bought me food as a way of saying thanks for helping her during the party, okay mother?"

"What?! You gave her free food and not me? I'm offended!" Sokka protested.

On Ji smiled, and stood up, "I'll buy you food tomorrow, Sokka."

"Yay!" Sokka exclaimed.

"Why don't you tell us first why you stormed in here?" Katara said.

"Oh, right, that. Project firelord is a success," Sokka beamed.

"Really? Oh my goodness, I'm so glad to hear that," Katara said. "But did all of you guys come here to tell me that? I mean, I don't have a problem, but..?"

Her brother waved a hand, "I needed them for the dramatic effect."

Toph shoved Sokka, "Is that what you think of us? Effects?"

He raised his hands in surrender, "It was just a joke-"

"Next time I'll punch you and say it was just a joke," Toph retorted.

"I second that," Suki said. 

"Woah, no need to get violent here," Aang said, exchanging a look with Zuko.

"I don't understand what you guys are super excited about, but I'm happy for you!" On Ji said. "I need to get going. Bye Katara!"

Katara gave On Ji a quick hug, "See you!"

"Let's head to the Jasmine Dragon to discuss with Uncle Iroh," Sokka suggested, and his friends nodded in agreement.

Once they arrived, they headed to the back of the tea shop, where Iroh was brewing some tea.

"Hello, what brings you all to my humble tea shop?" Iroh said.

"Have you heard the news, Uncle?" Zuko said.

"In fact I have, Zuko. I am very proud of you all. Let's sit down for some tea and talk," his uncle said, and they slid into their usual booth. Iroh brought out their usual teas. Jasmine for Katara, hibiscus for Suki, mint for Toph, green tea for Aang, and black tea for Zuko and Sokka.

"I have a question," Iroh said, setting down his teacup. "What will happen to my tea shop after I become principal?"

"I've already thought about it," Sokka said. "We'll take over your tea shop. Zuko knows how to run the place since he's worked here, and Katara has cooking and baking experience. Plus, her would go well with the tea. Uncle Iroh here can stop by once a week or so to make sure we aren't burning the place down. How does that sound?"

Zuko's uncle stroked his chin, "I think that may work. Would you all like to come over on Saturday to familiarize yourself with the tea shop? I could teach you all the basics of brewing tea."

Aang nodded, "Sounds good. We'll be there Saturday morning."

"Morning?" Toph groaned. "Excuse me, but I am heavily sleep deprived because of school. Count me out." (me too, Toph. me too)

"Well, come if you can, Toph," Suki said.

"I don't plan on it," Toph said.


"Thanks everyone for coming to today's student council meeting," Aang said, standing at the front of the classroom with Katara. They were using one of the old classrooms to hold student council meetings every so often.

The other council members were seated at the front, and the class representatives filled the rest of the seats.

"Today we're going to plan our school's homecoming dance, and would like to collect everyone's opinions," Katara explained. "Aang and I were thinking of having a set theme for the dance. Any ideas?"

Aang uncapped a marker and began writing suggestions on the board.

"Glow in the dark?"


"Camping themed?"



"Under the sea?"


"Okay, let's do a vote," Katara said. She and Aang conducted a vote for each theme. In the end, they settled on using the same traditional black and gold theme with a twist of astronomy. They split up the work to each student council member and created a schedule.

After the meeting ended, Aang and Katara cleaned up the classroom and walked to the bike racks. Sokka had already gone home, so they would be biking home.

"Hey Katara, do you have time for a detour?" Aang asked, buckling his helmet and sitting on his bike.

"I do. Why?"

A grin formed on his face, "Let's go grab frozen yogurt."

Katara nodded eagerly, and they biked to the park, the same one of their childhood, where the Gaang hung out after school, and where Aang and Katara got fake engaged.

The pair was sitting on a park bench enjoying their dessert, taking their mind off of dance preparations.

"Do you have a date for the dance yet?" Aang asked.

Katara shook her head.

Aang turned his head to face her, "Will you be my date for the homecoming dance, Katara?"


Yay! Two chapters in a day! 

Okay, so what's your favorite tea?

Mine is definitely jasmine :D

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