𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

710 18 47

ah yes, the cursed ponytail 


"Hey, are you okay, Katara?" Aang asked, snapped her out of her spiralling thoughts. He took a seat next to her on the bench.

They were sitting near the bike racks. Katara was supposed to bike back home, but she didn't feel like going home just yet. Majority of the campus was empty, as it was about half an hour since school ended.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"You know, 'I'm fine,' is the most obvious lie ever. Do you wanna talk about it?" he offered.

Katara tore her eyes away from the scenery, meeting eyes with Aang. She took a deep breath, "I tried to reason with the principal, but telling him that I was acting out of self defense wasn't enough. Which isn't, when you think about it. I mean, spirits, I pinned him against the wall, but what bothered me most is that the principal didn't even acknowledge the fact that Jet-"

"...that Jet...what?"

When Katara didn't reply, Aang asked again, "Katara, what did Jet do?"

"The fact that Jet sexually assaulted me."

Aang stood up, "He did what? I always knew he was a douchebag, but this? And they're making you attend an hour-long detention with him?"


"This is not okay," he said, pacing back and forth in front of her. "We have to do something about this, I mean..."

Katara stood up, "Aang, I'm glad that you care, but I don't want to tell anyone about it. I mean, if Sokka knew..."

"Okay...I understand."

They stood for a few moments in silence, watching the trees sway in the wind. Aang's face lit up, like a child who had been given ice cream. "I have an idea! You have your bike here, right?"


"Okay, let's grab our bikes. Just follow me, okay?"

Katara nodded, and they walked their bikes from the bike rack. They sat atop their bikes, and Katara followed Aang, biking off the school.

Once in a while, Aang would throw his head back, just to make sure Katara was still following him.

She always remained a good few feet before as they biked through the streets of Ba Sing Se. Kids ran across the street, and street vendors lined the street.

...and then there was a large cart filled to the brim with cabbages.

Yes, you heard that right. Just cabbages.

The man stood there, and was he- nuzzling his cabbages against his cheek? Was this what Aang wanted to show her?

This is going to be sure as hell interesting.

Aang whizzed right past the cabbage cart dude, and he flinched, dropping his cabbage.

"My cabbage!" he said, darting across the street, chasing after his cabbage, which was rolling away. Katara smiled to herself. It was these little things that could make any day brighter.

Katara followed Aang past the cabbage cart, and they continued biking through the vast fields, where kids ran around playing tag.

Near the entrance of the park, there was a single street vendor. When Katara got closer, she realized it was a frozen yogurt stand.

Aang parked his bike near the vendor, and Katara followed.

"This place has the best frozen yogurt in town," Aang said. "Have you ever had frozen yogurt?"

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