𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sokka asked his sister as they walked to the student council advisor's office.

"For the last time, I'm positive, Sokka. Plus, I've never done anything like this before, so it'll be a great experience."

"Always the optimist."

"What's wrong with being an optimist?"

"I'm just saying you're a liar. Same thing, basically."

Katara wrinkled her nose in her brother's direction, fiddling with the end of her braid. "Alright, I'm going to go and turn these in." Sokka said he would be waiting in the parking lot when she was done.

It was a bit hectic, trying to get 50 signatures in the small time they had in between classes. Luckily, they split up to cover more area.

She turned the doorknob of the teacher's office and walked in. The teacher was glad to see that Katara had also decided to run for vice president, so that there was more intense competition for the position.

As she walked out of the office, she took her phone out of her jeans pocket to check her messages.

She sunlight beamed down, and the wind rustled the trees, leaving gracefully falling onto the lawn.

"Katara," said a familiar voice. Katara whipped around.


"What do you want?" Katara asked, crossing her arms. They were a good distance apart, if need be, she could run. Being apart of the school's track team for several years does wonders to your stamina. 

After the Friday detention, Katara hadn't seen Jet at all. She was glad that he was absent. She didn't need to be reminded of what he did.

This was probably the first time she'd seen in a few weeks, actually.

"I just wanted to tell you that I left the Freedom Fighters," Jet said.

"And? What does this have to do with me?" Katara asked.

"I know that you may not forgive me, but nonetheless I wanted to apologize for what I did. Everything. I really hope you and Aang win the election," Jet said.

"I literally just turned in my application. How did you know?"

Jet only blinked slowly in response. His brows scrunched together, and held his head. His eyes closed and his knees gave away on the soft lawn.

Katara's eyebrows knitted together as she shot her brother a text, mentioning that it was an emergency.

A moment later Sokka was running towards his sister, "What the hell happened here?"

"I don't know! We were just talking, and then he just...fainted," Katara said, kneeling down to check his pulse. She applied light pressure with her forefinger and middle finger on the inside of his wrist. Thank the spirits she was experienced in the medical field, as it ran in her family.

Meanwhile, Sokka called for backup.

"His pulse is very slow, it's barely hanging on. We need to get him to Gran-gran's, she'll know what to do."

They carried him to Sokka's car. The hospital would take at least a 15 minute drive. Luckily, their home was only 6 minutes away, and their grandmother was a skilled doctor.


Gran-gran walked out of the guest bedroom, clasping her hands in front of her. Katara and her friends were waiting there apprehensively.

"Your friend should be alright. It was a good idea that you brought him here," Gran-gran said. "It seems that he is quite confused about his current state. Maybe seeing his friends will help?" she suggested, and they walked inside.

Katara and her friends stood around the bed Jet was lying on. His eyes flickered open, and he sat up, rubbing his head.

"Ugh, what happened?" Jet asked.

"You tell me," Katara said, crossing her arms.

"I...don't know. All I remember was talking to Katara...."

"Maybe Katara should kiss him. That should help!" Sokka teasingly suggested.

"I have an idea, Sokka. Why don't you kiss him?" Katara retorted.

Her brother raised his hands up, "Hey, it was just an idea!" her brother said.

"A bad one," Aang grumbled, a tinge of jealousy in his voice. Toph patted his shoulder sympathetically.

"So you're saying that you don't remember? Could you be more specific?" Suki asked.


"Okay, you were missing for several weeks. Do you know where?" Katara asked.

"Didn't I tell you that? I went on vacation...to a lake."

Katara and Sokka exchanged a look.

"Lake Laogai?" Sokka offered.

Jet's eyes widened, "Yeah...yeah that's it! It's all coming back now!"

"So, what should we do now? It's clear that something's happened to Jet," Aang observed.

"At first, I thought it could've been amnesia, but I think it's something more than that," Katara said.

"Should we investigate?" Suki suggested.

"Honestly, I don't think we should," Katara said. "We already have the election going on. I mean, it's clear that someone is doing something suspicious at Lake Laogai, but isn't it best if we don't get involved?"

"I'm with Katara. I don't want to get involved in this mess, but what if we collected evidence and turned it into the Earth King?" Toph said.

"It's possible, and very risky..." Sokka thought aloud.

"Sokka, didn't you say that you knew how the authorities worked? You know 'your request for the Earth King has been processed' and some crap like that? How do you know this is going to work?"

"Well, it's better than doing nothing, isn't it?" her brother questioned. 

"I'll do it," Jet said. "I'll go to Lake Laogai and collect evidence. After all, I'm the only one here who has actually been there. I'll round up the Freedom Fighters-"

"You left them, remember?" Katara said.

"Well, Jet can't go alone," Sokka pointed out.

"Then I'll go," Aang said.

"I'll go too," Katara offered.


rereading this and realizing what a horrible writer I am ✌️thank goodness I'm editing it now

𝐁𝐚 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 || 𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜 ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ