𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

978 19 26

"Hey, the student council election is coming up," Sokka read from a poster in the hallway. "Who do you think is going to run for president?"

Katara shrugged, "It's probably going to be Azula and Zuko again. There hasn't been anyone else for the past few years."

Aang walked over to Katara and her brother, "Did you guys know that there is a Plant Powered club? Man, high school is so much more cooler than middle school."

"It looks the same to me," Toph remarked. Sokka smiled and elbowed Toph and her blind joke. 

Katara's phone chimed in her hand, and she unlocked it, opening her messages.  

"It's from Jet," Katara explained. "He wants to talk to us, and is waiting in the back courtyard."

"Us? Like, all, of us?" Suki asked.

Katara nodded.

"Guess we're seeing your boyfriend, then, Katara," Sokka said.

"Shut up! He's not my boyfriend, Sokka!" his sister protested.

"You're lying, Sweetness," Toph said.

They walked to the back courtyard, and Jet was waiting there, leaning against the wall. He had a piece of wheatgrass in his mouth.

"Hey Katara," he said, unhitching himself from the wall. Aang's eyes narrowed at the sight of the gang leader. "Thanks for coming, guys."

Katara smiled, "So, what's up?"

"Smellerbee here," Jet said, indicating to his friend, "Found out some information that I thought I should share with you guys."

"You guys know Azula and Zuko, right? Daughter and son of the Firelord?" Jet asked.

They nodded.

"The fire nation took our mother," Katara said, exchanging a sorrowful glance with her brother. "-and left our village in shreds."

"They burned down my hometown too," Jet said, sympathizing with Katara. "It'll be easier if I just play you the recording."

Smellerbee opened her phone and played the recording.

"You do know that the elections are coming up, right?" said a low voice.

"Yes, father."

Now, that was a voice they would recognize from anywhere. It echoed throughout the halls of their high school, laced with venom and overconfidence.


"I trust that you will do everything in your power to win the election, then. Correct?"

"Yes, father. I will."

"Good. We'll show the rest of the four nations who is superior. You understand that, right, Azula? As daughter of the principal and born of nobility, you must have a perfect reputation."

The recording ended.

"The firelord seems to be taking the student council election a little too seriously," Toph remarked. 

"Why isn't there more of their conversation?" Aang asked.

"Our position was given away, so we had to escape. Otherwise, I would've continued to listen in on their conversation," Smellerbee said.

"This is pretty serious, guys," Sokka said, stroking his chin.

"We should take this to the Earth king," Suki suggested.

"No, definitely not the authorities," Toph said.

"Why not?" Katara asked.

Surprisingly, it was Jet who spoke up next. "Toph's right. We can't take this to the authorities, we've seen how they operate. 'Your request for an audience with the Earth King is being processed, and should be put through in about month.'" he mimics.

"6 to 8 weeks, actually," Toph corrected.

"You know a lot about the high class," Jet observed.

"That's because I am from the higher class," Toph said, crossing her arms. "I just don't act like it."

"So what do we do now?" Aang asked.

They stood for a few moments in silence.

"Aha!" Sokka said. "The Firelord told Azula to do whatever it takes to become class president, right? So, we make sure she doesn't."

"Yeah, well, Zuko's not really on our side right now. How would we do that?" Aang asked.

"Exactly. Which is why we'll add another person to the ballot," Sokka explained.

"But who?" Jet asked.

Everyone turns to Aang.

"What? Why is everyone looking at me?" Aang asked.

"You've always been good at playing peacemaker, and you're totally leader material," Sokka observed. "It's settled, then. Aang will run for president."

"Most likely they'll put together an elimination round first to narrow it down to two contestants. That's where we come in," Sokka continued.

"We could all teach Aang what we know, and help him get through the elimination rounds," Katara concluded. 

"That sounds great, but what should we do?" Smellerbee asked.

"We'll keep an eye on Azula and report back to each other. How does that sound?" Jet suggested.

They nodded.

"Sounds like a plan," Aang said. 


things finally getting interest here 😏

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