Chapter 16: Normality

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Zach: He must really see this guy as God himself, at least Pincher isn't that much of a fanatic.

Spirit, followed by Stein, walked in shortly after, followed by two unknown women.

Spirit: Hey! You got your headphones in still!

Justin: Huh?? Oh, right.

The priest took out a pair of earbuds

Justin: I apologize, it always seems to slip my mind.

Death: That's fine, what matters is you're all here now.

The Oozai looked at each new face, not exactly impressed, but the Humans has proven themselves anything but plain at this point.

The Oozai looked at each new face, not exactly impressed, but the Humans has proven themselves anything but plain at this point

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Zacharie: So those three are some of your most powerful Death Weapons?

Death: Yep! Now, let's get to the matter at hand, the Kishin. You all know by now that he's been resurrected, and what a raving lunatic he is, but he's afraid ofhis own shadow! He may have some trouble regaining his strength after so many years, so we have plenty of time for preparations, at least I hope so.

Death: What we should be warry about is what he's indirectly outputting, the Madness Wavelength the Kishin, Asura, is not something to ignore. Stein, you're better at explaining these things, if you please...

Stein: Of course.

Black Haired Woman: Madness Wavelength? Am I right to assume it's a unique variation of a normal Soul Wavelength?

Stein: Basically, it's mainly due to the Wavelength coming from a godlike being.

Blond Haired Woman: Is this Wavelength dangerous in some way?

Stein: I'll make it simple. Every person has a little bit of this Madness within them, and the Kishin's very presence has begun to surge the trace amount in certain individuals, Human and Oozai alike.

Black Haired Woman: You mean that pink man there?

Zacharie: Correct. But it's not just people to look out for. My scientist has studied this Wavelength, and predicts a number of events that could rise because of it. Dormant Witches reawakening, geography shifts, whatever enemies you have made could also use this chaos to their advantage, you'd be fighting a war on several fronts. That is why we're here. The Oozai will be searching for this Kishin, and will provide any assistance necessary.

(Some while later. Didn't know what else to put here tbh.)

Maka walked through a stone corridor, the lower levels of the academy, a section used as temporary housing, which was the reason she came here. Standing by a door was Riivrax, who seemed to be waiting for her.

Riivrax: Hello Miss Albarn.

Maka: One of the Oozai, Nova I think, told me to come down here. Is it about Crona?

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