"Ma'am, is it okay if we study in groups?" Your friend suggested, and you stared at her like she was a genius.

"Umm yeah. You can discuss with each other but don't speak loudly."

You stared at your friend in a weird way, and she stared back the same. "Should we?"

"Yeah." And she dragged her chair to the brothers' table. What the fuck? You were thinking of going outside to take your notes together and then burn the school and she went to their table.

What the fuck?

"Hey, is it okay if we sit here?" She asked Jungkook.

He turned red and shyly nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay then! ___! What the hell are you doing there daydreaming?!"

"Stop yelling! Geez." You rolled your eyes and dragged your chair there.

"I'm really sorry if my friend is being annoying and is disturbing you."


"No, it's okay. My brother was going to ask you two."

"Hyung what the fuck!"

"Oh." Your friend and Jungkook blushed. You coughed, interrupting the awkward atmosphere. "___, how about we go take our notes?"

"Okay." She nodded. "Please excuse us." Why is she speaking so politely all of a sudden? You exited the class with your friend. You bumped into her intentionally. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"Why are you suddenly talking so politely to him?"


"It's okay." You patted her shoulder. "Just tell me if you do have a crush on him."

"Fine, I do."

"Yay. I just wanted a yes. I have a crush on him from you, so now it's confirmed."

She stopped in her steps and looked at you like doomsday happened again. "Wait. Did you record it?"

You slyly smiled and waved your phone in front of her, and she tried to snatch it. "Give me that!"

"No, I'm going to be keeping this as my ringtone when I'm around you two! And if two end up together, then I'll play this all the time!"

"Give me that this instant!"

"Nah!" and she chased you to your lockers.

Coincidentally, hers and your locker were right next to each other. When you nearly reached it, she snatched it and raised it over her head. "Now you can't take it!"

"You idiot, I'm taller than you!"

"Oh." you snatched your phone from her evil claws and safely kept it in your pocket. "Even if you delete it, I have the backup for it."

"I know."

You dug your locker filled with a mountain of your books while your friend leaned against hers. She had already taken out hers and was waiting for you. "Hey, can I come to your house during the exams? My house is very noisy, especially at night."

"What?" your eyes widened, and you blushed a little. "What do you mean?"

She realized what she said and covered her mouth. "Shit, I didn't mean that! I mean that my siblings keep running around at one PM and the house is very noisy! I didnt' mean that you disgusting human!"

"Good otherwise i thought your parents were..."

She hit your shoulder and covered her ears. "Ahhh~! I don't wanna hear anything from you! Go away from me! Get away from me you disgusting girl! Already knowing this kind of stuff at such young age! Aah~!"

She made a fuss by screaming around and you shook your head. This idiot. And what young age? You both were old enough to get your driver's license already.

Well, you learnt that stuff at a young age so yeah, you can be called as a disgusting person but now's not the time to talk about what you did when you were younger!

You rolled your eyes and yelled. "Now stop making a fuss, you big baby. Someone might catch you yelling around like a banshee and then yell at us!"

"Okay. But don't say anything disgusting while we are sitting with them. I don't want to ruin my innocent image!"

What image? It was already ruined when you started kicking around people's ass for fun. There's no way you are innocent. You didn't say anything about it and shut your locker.

"Come on you banshee, your boyfriend is waiting for you."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Whatever, he will be though in a few days."

"Stop giving me false hope!"

"I'll keep giving you false hope so shut up."


watch this I kept laughing while seeing this idk if I'm crazy now but I really love that vid lmao.

me: y'all I was seeing this imagine where BTS had cheated on you but that can never happen [but if that did I'm going to do something very bad *whispers* I'll humiliate them in public]

so some people commented "even if they cheat on me I'll never leave them." and I was bro you got something like I don't know something called self-respect?!!! I don't care if they BTS or not, but I'll leave them and humiliate them to get my revenge.

yes, I have that many guts. you broke my heart, I'll break your good image ___*(  ̄皿 ̄)/#____ then make them jealous by hooking up with someone and if they come back to me to drag me away from the one I'm hooking up with, I'll slap them and tell them "you were just another boy in my life" and leave like a boss bitch.

but after all of that, I'll cry and distance myself from everyone in my life (┬┬﹏┬┬)

so anyway bye~!

Red Moon | Kim TaehyungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora