Start from the beginning

Hermione was an angel and she forced devil ears onto Ron that Astrid found very fitting.

Neville was dressed in purple robes and a white beard, becoming Merlin for the day.

Dean was a soldier and Seamus was a quidditch player.

Percy wore a headband with pumpkins on it.

The twins dressed up as Dumbledore and Snape—which earned much applause from the students. And Ginny dressed up in bat ears.

Even Harry had given in at lunch and worn cat ears, allowing Astrid to draw on whiskers to his cheeks, even if he wasn't so fond of Halloween.

At least this year, he didn't push them all away. Wallowing in his room. In self pity and hatred.

His entire life a lie, fed to him by his aunt and uncle.

Astrid was glad that he was finally away from them all and amongst those who cared for him. She only hoped, that one day on Halloween he would open up and talk to them about all he was feeling and thinking.

She wondered herself, if James and Lilly had dressed up that Halloween night. What a nightmare. What a betrayal their deaths were.

It made her heart sink and her stomach twist.

What would she do if Black wasn't innocent?

Regardless of the fun at dinner, the students were dismissed quickly afterwards. Told not to leave their beds after curfew, threatened that if parties were thrown, the professors and Filch would find out.

Which, Filch always found out.

"As if they ever do" spat Fred as the group walked out of the great hall, taking the bowl of chocolates placed on the table for students who were missing out on Halloween traditions.

Going from door to door with sacks in hands and masks on faces.

Astrid picked a chocolate pumpkin from inside the bowl, peeling the orange wrapper and breaking the creamy milk chocolate in half. She nibbled on the half and passed the other half to Dean.

"Why're you always back there?" She sighed, pulling him forward, to walk between her and Harry "didn't you learn from first year?"

He laughed at this, indulging in his chocolate as they listened to the twins complain. Discussing the party and how they would sneak out. Saying how unfair the Professors were being.

"I don't care what they say" George went on "I'm partying tonight"

"Who's throwing?" Asked Dean.

"Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are throwing a joint party" Lee answered with a yawn "to be honest boys, I'm exhausted"

"Don't be a bore!" Angelina whined "let's go!"

Lee rolled his eyes. The group slowly going up the stairs that were congested with other students. Moving forward very slowly.

"God the traffics bad" Katie complained "I need to shower before the party!"

They moved two steps up the staircase. Another long pause and murmuring of students.

"Why isn't anyone going in?" Asked Ron curiously, trying to look past shoulders. Stuck on the middle of the staircase.

Astrid squeezed herself to the front, gasping at the sight before her very eyes. Claw marks had slashed the portrait that greeted every Gryffindor student into their common room for years and the lady—as annoying as most found her—had disappeared, sparking concern in everyone's brave hearts.

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