about calmness

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I often mistake calmness for melancholy.

                           When the world goes blue and the shadows have

That purple aftertaste, my lungs sigh and

                          My bones groan low songs

Of all the time I've spent day after day

                           Feeling this way.

Maybe my moods aren't dependable, they're

                           Always flowing in and out of each other,

But I like to imagine the calm like a meadow

                           Full of blue flowers that are

The shape of stars and grass that waves

                            In soft ripples against the wind.

To me that is how calm feels, like sunlight

                            Piercing the cloud cover and meeting the

Earth in a blend of happy sadness.

                           Calm feels light blue, and smells like juniper trees in

In the evening,

                           Just before the stars come through. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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