about old times

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Close your eyes and let your mind wander

To that secret garden within the

Haven you hide

All those little trinkets and bobbles

Hosting the memories of old times.

Take one in your hands, gently now,

Don't grip too hard-

Peer into its glassy surface with dreamy

Eyes and watch the ickiness fade from

Life as truth slowly becomes unmarred.

Are they dancing?

Those faeries of glittering nostalgia

Whose wings are serpentine green

And smiles built from human delight.

Oh, symphonic memories! More compiled

Of grocery store trips than grand explorations,

More nonsense than wisdom,

And sunsets that kissed this glorious heaven

just a little longer than was natural for September.

What are old times if not the chill of a sprinkler

On bare legs, or the dusty tang of a school gymnasium?

Music with unnecessary cuss words and

Love songs with a lazy rhythm.

What are old times if not the sweet sugared

Fingers holding hot cocoa and delicate nights

Or that damned dance routine no one can seem to remember?

Peer deeper into that crystalline garden of memories

And define all that is ,and could possibly be, the old times.

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