about friendship

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I'm sick of friendship being compared to flowers.

The delicate petals of trust,

and stems flourishing

From the soil like a verdant century

Standing guard for the network of roots beneath.

Friendship is not a network,

there are no Connections beneath the surface

that would gravitate us to one another quite this strongly.

What does the soil of another possess that we

cannot provide to nourish ourselves

In the long winter of loneliness?

What flower can withstand seasonal change without losing its face?

No, friendship is not a flower.

It is the armor we strap to ourselves before

Braving the siege waiting beyond the horizon.

It is the wrist we take, to pull ourselves up from

That soil we hoped would sustain us.

Friendship is spent on long days, and tired eyes, simply

To earn a smile, a laugh, a word of authenticity.

It is the brace we rest our weary backs upon

to sleep

If only for a night

before letting the next of us rest in peace.

The border between self and stranger,

we extend our hands across that wall

Knowing not what waits behind it.

No, friendship is not a flower.

Friendship is braving the teeth to see the eyes.

A Special, rare, and worthy kind of love

that makes sense of the fractioned

Purpose of life. 

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