about mistakes

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Kiddo I slipped up.

I made a mistake.

There was so much to do that I,

Too heated by the flame,

Inevitably did burn.

Kiddo I slipped up.

I fucked this bad.

My brain turned to ashes

My lungs spoiled then expired.

Kiddo I slipped up.

I know time can't be forgiven

By that cowardly voice that rattles

Like a snake in our brain

Sinking its venom into us with its fangs.

Kiddo, God oh God,

I wish I could say it didn't

But this one this just missed its mark

And now that guilt which cripples

Will creep in and slaughter in the dark.

Kiddo I slipped up.

Forgive my carelessness

I knew it would cost me, us--

But I kept pushing too hard, too far on.

My mistake was bringing you along.

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