~Chapter Ten~

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Me: Look, my username! (Shows the word 'SniperSketch')

Readers: Look, the word updating! (Shows the word 'Updating')

Me: ...

Readers: Do it. fUCKING MERGEEE


So here I am updating after half a year ahahah s o r r y

"Psst! Hagrid!!" Hermione's hushed voice knocked Hagrid's cabin door. "Hagrid! Let us in!!" Hagrid opened the door cautiously, his eyes dampened and red.

"Come on in then," Hagrid shuffled to the side to let the three clamper inside, pulling the cloak from their shoulders.

Eventually they had to go back up to the castle, since there was nothing they could do to stop the situation. (A/N I cut some stuff from the story for the sake of time and Rarry he e e) Harry felt guilt cut through him knowing that his head was in a cloud of Draco and Ron, instead of being focused on the issue at hand. The sickening sound of an axe slicing through the air resulted in Hermione swaying on the spot slightly. That was dark.

On their way up to the whomping willow, Harry felt the odd sensation of his hairs on the back of his neck bristling. Something felt.. off.. and Harry was right.

Two glowing eyes emerged from the hole that burrowed down to the shrieking shack.

"G-Guys.." Ron stuttered beside the two, his eyes fixated on something between the roots of the aggressive tree. A dark, hunched figure loomed out of the ground, it's teeth bared and a translucent ooze hanging from it's pointed teeth. Its brow was lined with intimidation. Before either of them could react, the hound charged head first. Harry dived infront of it, but it simply pounced on Ron. Harry's eyes widened as he leaped forward, an arm outstretched to get Ron's grip. However, to make things harder, the Willow became outraged, and swept fallen leaves from the ground to the sound of Ron's petrifying screams.

Hermione and Harry exercised themselves with a quick round of skip rope- I mean skip branch, but accompanied with the Whomping Willow. Harry's glasses were lopped off his head, and all Harry could see was a frantic girly blur and a lot of wood cascading from side to side. Harry dropped to his knees, thoroughly scavenging the entangled, mossy grass for his glasses.

His fingers brushed against a familiar cold steel rod. Harry shoved his glasses on just in time to jump a branch and throw himself down the muddy tunnel. He landed with a crash into the shrieking shack, and stared up to a familiar crumbling staircase.

Harry clambered up the rotting stairs following Ron's echoing yelps, Hermione close behind.

"Ron!" Harry fell to the floor and tightly embraced Ron in his arms. "Ha-Harry! I-It's a trap! He's an animagus!" Ron lifted a trembling arm towards a skeleton looking, greasy haired man. Sirius Black. Harry stood up, but so did Ron. Ron, wincing in pain from his shattered leg, took place in front of Harry, holding his hands from behind. He then boldly announced with tears pricking his eyes, "If you're going to kill Harry you'll have to kill me too."

"No.." the Man grinned, "only one will die tonight."

"Then it'll be you!" Harry pounced on Sirius and began strangling him, his thumbs digging deeper and deeper into his neck. Then, resorting to his instinct, he pulled out his wand and aimed it menacingly at Sirius's twisted smile.

But in only a moment's time, Lupin and Severus had jumped into the situation.

After Pettigrew had revealed himself, Ron had the look of distrust in his eyes. Harry held Ron close to him, not allowing him to get hurt. Not only were they in this sticky situation, Ron had been bullied by Draco, all for Draco having these messy feelings for Harry. Harry stopped focusing, his anger towards the situation towards the two had him fuming.

Before he knew it he was being dragged from the shack.

Harry understood that Sirius was never the enemy, that it was that filthy rat all along, and as they stood watching the clouded night sky, Sirius said "I've noticed something, Harry, with you and Ron," the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile. "Don't worry, I have a good feeling it'll work out." Harry felt his face glow red under the moonlight.

Under the moonlight!

Harry swug round to see Lupin, twitching and twisting and hunching over. Hermione was aiding Ron, but was now tucked behind Snape, who had also torn Harry for Sirius and pulled him into the safety of his long, black cloak. The growling grew nearer, and Harry's hand fell into Ron's.

Listen I'm sorry you can bully me in the comments I've just had a really sh!t time, but after removing assh0les from my life, I think everything is healing again.. I hope. 

Thank you for reading, until the next chapter

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