I sighed as I stared at my laptop. 

I made Leo encrypt firewall security in my computer so that nobody can breach its contents. An internal conspiracy was more dangerous than external terrorism, so we had to be careful. 

I finally decided to take a break. 

Even though it was Sunday, I decided to go train at Lake Valor HQ. 

The car ride there was quick, and I could already feel my body waking up for a good workout. It was one of those days where I needed a good workout. 

When I got to the west wing of the Lake Valor building, I noticed someone. 

I was surprised to see Percy there. However, Percy wasn't training, he was heading into the west wing of HQ. And, he was alone. 

I ducked behind a wall in the hallway so that he wouldn't notice me. Percy had a light yellow letter in his hand as he walked towards the west wing, where the offices were located. 

Percy was walking quietly and smoothly. 

I followed behind him silently. My eyes stayed on his body as I scoped his actions. 

Percy didn't even have therapy today, so I didn't understand why he was here alone, especially with a suspicious letter. Despite having memory loss, Percy seemed very comfortable with his way around the building. 

He even chose the least busy (somewhat hidden) hallways to travel through. 

I stooped behind a trashcan quickly as Percy came to a stop. I watched as he looked around in all directions. 

Percy already sensed my presence. Damn, he had excellent instincts. 

"I know that someone's following me," Percy expressed loudly. "I think you forgot that Lake Valor has many windows along its hallways." 

I winced internally. Of course, he'd see my reflection in the windows. 

Percy was smarter than he looked. 

I sucked in a breath as I pressed into my hiding space behind the trashcan in the corner of the hallway. I was only about 20 yards away from where he was standing. 

There was silence for a few seconds. 

Then, I peeked over the trashcan. However, Percy was nowhere to be seen. It was like he straight up disappeared in a few seconds while I was hiding. 

If this didn't scream suspicion, I don't know what did. I wondered what was in that yellow note.

His memory loss did nothing to hinder Percy's abilities to move and act like a secret agent just now. This made absolutely no sense to me. 

As I walked back towards the training facility, my mind was racing with one question: What the hell was going on? 


"All right, recruits, please listen up because I have some important news," Chiron announced. This caused everyone to stop their actions and face him. 

He was standing on the podium in the training facility's main room. 

All of the recruits were practicing weapons disarming skills. Even a few agents and other staff members came to train today. 

Disarming skills were valuable for anyone in a fight, so it helped to know the techniques. 

Agents Frank and Clarisse were teaching today. Luke Castellan was also here teaching his own unique disarming style, which was very effective during combat. 

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