🌻Chapter 18🌻

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     "I swear you're gonna get me killed" I say looking over to Jez as she sits in the passenger seat of my car.

     "Aw, what's a little fun" she teased.

     Thing have drastically changed since I've been with Jez. It more of a hitman relationship instead of romantically. I'm always and forever doing her dirty work. Not to be portrayed as a softy but it whatever it takes.

     I was fine with doing it all until Jacob came in to play. Not sure what the deal is but Jez is real fond of his daughter. She says she's just taking orders from the boss, but she enjoying it too much.

      Turing into the driveway of Jacob, I can't help but feel a deep pressure in my core. She's up to no good mainly because this goes against all of what Jacob forbidden. Showing up unexpectedly would anger him to the beyond. But who cares.

     We get to the house, with the two trucks in the yard. I was hoping they weren't so we can't be done with this but they aren't so this may not end so well. I sigh at the fact of why we were here in the first place, knowing this is not our battle to fight

     "Aw cheer up Jbear, as long as you keep them out of my way, in and out we will be." Why is she so upbeat about this? It's not like we're killing her, yet that is.

     Jez was the first to get out the car and walk up to the door. She knocked but no one came, so she tried the handle and it was ofcourse locked.

     "I think the patio door may be unlocked, he never locks it when he's out in the fields." I chime in

     "You think band boy is with him?" She questions

     "Only one way to find out if you still want to go through with this?"

      "Aw how sweet. Me, pass up on this. You must be out of your mind haha" she laughs and makes her way around the house reaching the back deck. I was unlocked as I figured and in we went.

      "Jacob!" I called out to see if he was still inside the house. I got no response so we were in the clear.

      "Humm" goes Jez as she follows her fingers around the kitchen counter. "She's in here, I can smell her"

      "Are you some kind of wolf or something, how the hell?" I question her.

      "As kids we were all trained to sniff out the different in scents. In case we were to get caught off guard." She explains

      "You're not talking about body scent, right?"

     "Ofcourse not, that'd be icky but it's rare. Im talking about magic dimwit. It's a special aura that allows us people to tell whose who. Kinda like when humans set a certain ringtone for someone so they know who it is." She finishes

     "I'm just going to pretend to understand and not question you on these things." I breathe

      "It'd be best."


     She walks through the room of the house looking for the girl. Making her way up stair eventually opening into a room where the girl was sleeping.

     "I think I got it from here, why don't you wait down stair and do what we talked about eh" she turns facing me pecking me on the cheek.  As I began to make my way down she calls out. "Take any means necessary to keep them away" I nod and continue back down.


"Aw the poor baby is sleeping, how cute." Jez fakishly pouts wondering over to Aurora. "Now time to get up" She snarled kicking her. Aurora jumps up quickly realizing it was Jez, greeting her with a wave and a sinister smile.

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