🌻Chapter 13🌻

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     Holy hell,  Jacob and I both say as the thermometer reads 103.2.  I don't know what could've happened. She was perfectly fine. Jacob and I look at each other confused hoping this cold bottle of water can help bring her temperature down.

     "She didn't say she had a headache or anything?"  Jacob asks moving the coffee table.

     "No she didn't. She didn't even look off" I say rub the sides of her face with the bottle. I know that she still here from her cringing her face when I move it.

"Could it be the food" Jacob asks kneeling down beside me.

"No, I feel fine, we all ate the same thing, I'm sure something would've showed later it's too fast" I say as Aurora stars moving .

"Hey, it's okay babe" I say

She breaths out heavy almost as if she's annoyed but it happened over and over. It's like she can't catch her breath. By now my watch beeps telling me her heart rate keeps going up. Her breathing picks up and her hands start to twitch.

I pick her up to set her down on the floor, Jacob helps by guiding her head. She scrunches her face again but she won't open her eyes. Either she's too weak to or she can't. I still rub the cold bottle of water around her.

"Aurora can you hear me?" I question her grabbing her hand. She lightly squeezed it so I know she can. "Is you head hurting the reason you can't open your eyes" I ask and she squeezes my hand again signaling yes.

"Can you try, I need to see you're eyes babe" I say and she tries to open them but can keep them open. "That's okay babe, that was good enough you can keep them closed" I say and I look to Jacob

"Her eyes are dilated." I say and he looks at me confused. "Meaning this is gonna be bad" he looks at me wide eyed.

"How bad, like hospital bad?" He asks

"Maybe I'm not sure, I just hope this works, watch her, I have something in my bag." I say as Jacob takes position. I feel really bad for leaving her but is this takes a turn for, if 911 has to be called, then this is my only option right now.

I ran upstairs and dumped out everything in my medical bag that I packed for Aurora, for something like this. I shuffle through all the items to find the syringes. I grab all of them and run back downstairs. They're filled with buccal midazolam. I only used them during big ones, that I feel may last longer than they should.

I get back seeing Jacob holding her on her side and rubbing her back. I sit back down by her placing her head in my lap carefully. Jacob look at what's in my hand.

"What are those?" He ask

"They syringes with buccal midazolam in them so I can stop the seizure of this goes how I think." I say

He nods, "just have 911 on speed dial and I'll keep the time" I say feeling Aurora shift.

"Hey, it's okay babe, I'm right here" I say as I feel her forehead, it's still burning hot. I don't think the cold bottle helps. I still attempt to help cool her down by pouring some on the top of her head, not caring if it got on me. She groans, as Jacob lets out a deep groan grabbing the carpet.

"Are you good?" I ask him and he points down then I see Auroras death grip on his arm. "Crap, she's seizing"

"Her nails are digging really deep mate" he struggles to say letting out a little laugh. "So much for a warning."


Jacob nods that he's okay, Aurora keeps her grip as it starts off slow.

"It's okay babe, it's okay" I say as Jacob manages to hold her up.

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