🌻Chapter 17🌻

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     We go back home from the dinner totally stuffed. The restaurant we went to had a buffet and with the smell of all the food so tempting, we couldn't resist trying everything.

     Tonight was better than the rest actually, nothing major happening except Jacob getting hurt and Aurora just fainting. I'd take what I can get. So far it's be a carefree day, just hope it can stay like this.

    With all our mind made up on crashing, we all head upstairs to sleep out stuffed stomachs away, saying 'goodnights' in the process.

    Aurora and I enter our room and she was the first to face plant on the bed. I went to the bathroom before I did just that. Don't want to wake in the middle of the night with a complaining stomach.

     I do all that I needed to do for the night, and exit the bathroom to put on night clothes. Being extra quiet with the already sleeping Aurora. I turn out the  light and slip into bed, then Aurora maneuvers her way into my side.

    We fall asleep and everything was all peaceful and calm for hours till I wake up to whimpering. I jump up and see Aurora not in the bed anymore and the light on in the bathroom. I hate to say it but if this is what I think it is, it's gonna be bad. After everything that's happened, I would be surprised at less.

    I immediately run to the bathroom, opening it to reveal a small, fragile Aurora, cradled in a ball crying.

     "I-I d-didnt wa-ant t-to wa-ake y-ou." She stutters. Her speech is still struggling and it was getting a little better at dinner but with these circumstances. simply no, it's worst.

     "Babe, it's okay," I kneel down in front of her so that she can see me. "You're more important right now, what's wrong?" I question her.

     "Ka-knife." She whispers.

     I figured.

     "She's gone I promise, she's never going to hurt you ever, I won't let that happen." I try and reason with her but all she can do is cry.

     "No, she did hurt me" she admits. I was confused since that girl didn't get a chance to touch her. Jacob stopped her before she could.

     "What are you talking about, she didn't come close to you." Eyebrows raised in confusion. It wasnt until she lifted up her shirt revealing a deep cut on her arm, that I knew she was in fact hurt.

"What the hell, who did this to you?" I question, my anger started to boil. How could this happens when she was never left out of my sight until today. She would have said something and this looked a little healed like it happened yesterday.

     She started crying harder. "N-no-no babygirl it's okay, you can tell me. You're safe now." I try to reassure her.

    "No, you and I don't know that." She explains and I look on in confusion. "I thought it was all just a dream until I saw this. She attacked me with knife." It was all she could manage to finishing before I feel her hand grip my arm and the other flying to her chest.

      "Crap." I mutter under my breath. "Shh-shh it's okay just breath and focus on me" She looked at me wide eyed, scared for what was about to come. She always hated it, as she would explain; the feeling of fear turning into panic. Not being able to control your body almost as if you were paralyzed.  The thoughts making it so much harder to calm down coming in like waves of torture. The tingles she feels throughout her body as if it were a seizure, though she wishes it were instead of being conscious.

      "ca-can-t b-ba-bre-" she tries.

      "no-no no don't talk, it'll make it worst" I interrupt her. "Please take some deep breaths- see look try and copy me" I pull her hand to my chest so she can see but she shakes her head. "Nono please just try- look- in...out...in...out" I see her trying but the look In her eyes say it all. 

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