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Akiaria - Right now; The Present
"Hey, Hydro?"


"Have you ever thought about mating with another griffin?"

"No.. Why?"

"I mean- You are by far the ONLY griffin I'd ever seen! Well, from what I remember, anyway." I whispered the last part.


"Uhm, well, yeah! Do you really think I would've gone searching for griffins if I already had one by my side? Obviously, no!"

"Ah, uhm, well, you actually have a fair point there, Aki."

"I know that, I'm always right."

"But, uh, about the whole mating thing, Aki."


"I haven't seen another griffin for a hundred years."


"Uh, no, that was just a metaphor- Okay, fine, I'm that old."

And there I go. Great.. Cue the shouting. "WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL ME?!"

"Uhm, because you'd think I am immortal, which I am not, we just age much slower than you and dragons."

I sighed. "You're an idiot, Hydron."

"So? You're an idiot as well."


I huffed and turned away. But then, another question came to my mind, so.. Of course. I asked. "Hey.. Who was the last griffin you knew?"

"Uhm, a male Stoicheiódis Fotiá Nkrífin named Holocaust."

"That means Elemental Fire Griffin, right?"

"Of course it does, you idiot."

I glared at her (playfully). "I am not an idiot...!"

"Do you want me to change your nickname to 'Aria', then?"

"..Actually that sounds better, so yes."

"Hah! Say goodbye to Aki, and hello to Aria!"

"Shut up Hy- Wait."


"When was the last time you saw Holocaust?"

"Uhm, like ten years before you found me? I think."

"......" And there I go, slapping my head onto the rock of the cave's wall(s). And another. And another. And ano- Okay, I'm going to stop before Hydron throws me off a cliff and into the ocean for punishment.. What? She does that!

"Sometimes you're the most unbearable creature, griffin or dragon, I have ever been seen walking around and speaking with, Hydron, and I hope you're proud of that." Of course, I was joking.. And then I sat down.

And it may have been too late for me to notice that the gang was here. Wait, did I already say that..? Oops, I did not. Okay, maybe they might find me as a 'weird, speaking to animals' kind of viking. Especialllyyyyy Snotlout.

I pulled down my hood and looked over to the general direction of the entrance of the cave, and Hydron went closer to me on instinct, and I saw multiple faint shadows shaped in familiar figures. "Oh, hey guys." And of course I naturally tried to speak as casual as possible, hoping they did not just hear the entire conversation. Keyword, hoping, while I stood up...

"Yeah, we heard."

"..Did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah.", and of course there was a response, "Shut up Hy that was a rhetorical question." I whispered loudly.

"So, you speak to that weird creature? Why don't you try to speak with Hookfang here?" Go away, Snotlout.

"For one, I cannot understand dragons. Two, I can only understand griffins." And there was my reply- I mean, retort.... Oh wait. I just revealed 'The Secret'. My eyes widened in realization. "Oh, Thor." I heard Hydron whispering in the background, but it was faint, like I was in deep thinking, and I was. Thinking of the consequences that would be brought. My mater and pater always told me to not tell anyone, close friend and relative or not, that I could understand griffins. I found out all about it when I was just a little girl, meeting a griffin that spoke to me. I barely remember any of it, so thats why I tried searching for more griffins.. It only supported my theories. Wait. My mater and pater are dead now. But.. I broke the promise.

I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and only tightened the hood around my head after lifting it back up. I looked over to Hydron, wanting, no, needing advice. The only thing that Hydron did was curl around my shaking body, while standing, basically covering most of my body. I think Hydron told the riders' dragons that I needed some space, because I heard footsteps, and scraping claws, and then finally, faint wingbeats.

I really, truly, needed space... After a few minutes, I even kicked Hydron out.. Something the true me would never do, even if I needed space.
A day later, what the time is now, is not specified; Time Skip
Akiaria - Right now; The Present
I just sat there, sitting in the same corner, the same spot, the same cave. Crying for hours. I don't remember if I even slept. If I did, I do not remember having dried tears on my face. I guess I cried too much. I wonder how my eyes look like now. I betrayed the promise my mater and pater made me keep. I told my secret to the gang on reflex, on instinct, on mistake. They probably think even less of me now. This is even worser than losing Flashback. I should have never named him that. I should have named him Karma. Because the word 'flashback' always reminds me of him. And karma suits him better, because.. It was me who wanted to stay undercover for the queen, him who wanted to stay out of it, and so karma (or the gods) paid me back, and had me lose him for forever.

I just wish I never discovered that I could speak to griffins. I wish I never set out of the Mythikós Okeanós tribe to look for Hydron, only to come back with a happy smile and have it upside down into a frown to see the whole village, the whole tribe, the whole island destroyed. With everyone dead. Even my mater and pater, the chiefs of the tribe, the ones I always looked up to, even before own my brother. Dead.


How To Befriend Your Griffin - A HTTYD FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu