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Akiaria - Right now; The Present
I screamed in joy at Hydron's antics. We were currently flying - it was my idea - because I was bored. Anyways, now, here we are, above the sea, Hydron was doing loop-de-loops. I giggled lightly, let my hood fall free to rest onto my back. The obsidian-colored scarf that I wore was currently flowing along with the wind- Did that even make any sense? I suddenly heard a long, loud screech.. It sounded faint like it was far away.. With my now paranoid instincts, I immediately discovered that it's either a Night Fury, or Light Fury. I pulled on Hydron's saddle's reins, and she immediately skidded to a stop, hovering right above the ocean, and so did my scarf, it was now resting on my shoulder. She asked me, "Why, Akiaria? What is it?"

I told her urgently, "Did you hear that? It sounded like one of those Fury breed's screeches!", I think I was talking too quickly, but I bet Hydron heard it, anyway. "Should we investigate it?" I heard Hydron reply quietly, and, of course, I responded, "Yeah, I think we should." and so, we went towards the direction of the screech, which was south. Hhmmm... If it was a Night Fury, it'd have to be night right now.. If it was a Light Fury, they would've been, uh, probably east or north. But.. It one hundred percent sounded like a Fury, soo.. We're still checking it out. "Do you think it was a distress call?" I had ended up asking, but, Hydron, again, like always, responded with one of her smart-as-a-Bewilderbeast answers.

"No. If it was one, it'd be a plasma blast, not a screech."

"Uh.. Good point, Hydron.. I was only asking!"

"Eh, you just need more smarts. Dragons and griffins are smarter than humans, you know that, right?"

Ugh.. When will she be quiet already.. Grumbling quietly, I responded, "Yes, yes, Hydron, I do. Now can we just focus at the task at hand now, please? Finding a Fury?", and then finally Hydron just snorted loudly and continued flying south, "Thank you, o holy griffin!" I sarcastically said, eliciting an amused grumble from the very griffin I was sarcastically replying to.

'Whatever Fury breed you are, dragon, we're coming for you! Just you wait, soon enough we'll come for you! Just you wait, dragon.', I had thought as we silently flew south, quicker than earlier, the both of us on high alert. 'We just have to pinpoint where your 'famous cry' was located.. We'll get there, soon enough, dragon.', I thought again, confident and determined to find this Fury. Whether it's a Light Fury, or a Night Fury. Oh, maybe even a Night Light hybrid?


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