Chapter 79 - Blood relationship

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Mirai was sitting at the table with her head bowed and her forehead resting on her palm. Her gaze rested on the countertop, but her eyes did not see anything. Kartal paced the study with wide steps and nervously rubbed the back of his head. She told him two days ago that the wedding is canceled. They cannot get married. And only today she explained the reason.

He wanted to tear and throw. Go to the bastard and beat him half to death. It was not enough for him, that damn Mehmet Astarkhan, to trample Mirai, leave her without a livelihood, crush morally and almost destroy physically. The devilish bloodthirsty nature of Astarkhan again wants to subjugate her, destroy her life.

Scoundrel! What a scoundrel he is, this Mehmet Astarkhan!

Kartal stopped in front of the table and lifted by the chin the face of the infinitely beloved woman. She looked at him with sad, tortured eyes. The door quietly opened, but both, absorbed in their feelings, did not notice it.

- We won't let him! Kartal said firmly. - Do you hear me? We will get married, and if he fulfills his threat and tries to take the girls, we will fight. Defne's family managed to defend Esra and we can!

"You don't understand," Mirai sobbed. - The situation is fundamentally different. Kadir Shishmaz is a swindler and gambler. And Mehmet Astarkhan is a respected member of society, the head of the Turkish Bar Association, the owner of a law firm, and the son of the head of the Istanbul police. We don't have a single chance to defeat him. And I can't let him take the girls. I would die without them," she whispered plaintively.

Mert had never eavesdropped at the door in his life. He didn't want to do it even now. But for the last two days, his mother was absolutely distraught and refused to name the reason for her condition. She also canceled the wedding. The girls were upset, and so was he. Kartal is a wonderful person and a real man. He would make Mom happy, Mert did not doubt it. Then why does she refuse to marry him?

And the reason was simple! Their well-bred scoundrel daddy is just as low a blackmailer as Esra's father. Mert quietly walked away from the door and ran towards the elevator. The first impulse was to rush to Mehmet Astarkhan and express to his face everything that he thinks about him. But by the time the elevator stopped on the lower floor, Mert was able to pull himself together and think with a cool head. His speech will not work. Father is a lawyer. He perfectly knows his rights and that for their mother, children are above all. He's also a heartless bastard. Without hesitation, he will fulfill his threat and will break the life of mom and mister Kartal. There is only one person in the world who can stop him. Mert didn't want to go to him and show his vulnerability. But there was no choice.

He walked out of the building with a brisk pace, crossed the road, and got on a bus bound for Sisli.

Half an hour later, the boy stood in front of the Palace of Justice. After only a moment's hesitation, he entered the building and stopped at the checkpoint.

"I am the grandson of Judge Onder Gumuskaya, Mert Astarkhan," he turned to the security. - I need to meet with my grandfather. You can tell him that I am here.

The guard was surprised, but he complied with the request and called Judge Gumuskaya on the internal phone. After hearing the answer, he told Mert:

- The judge is waiting for you. Cabinet number 186. This is the second floor, the sixth door to the right.

Thanking him, the boy headed for the stairs. Finding office no. 186 was not difficult. Grandfather was really waiting for him. Hands clasped behind his back, he stood in the middle of a huge room furnished with austere but expensive furniture and scanned the front door with his gaze.

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