Yorknew City - Chapter 40

Start from the beginning

"I have come this way along with my sister to find you, and I won't hesitate to fight. Whoever made us suffer all the great pain all these years, must perish! I demand that you show yourself, and we will gain vengeance for their loss!"

The Spiders looked at each other in total shock. It looked like they did remember that horrifying time. Gon and Killua were showing pity on their faces, and Hisoka smirked from listening to all the gory details. The suspense was growing, with no one willing to come clean. I looked at the magician for a solution, but he only shook his head and shrugged. I gulped and scanned for anyone who seemed suspicious about the murder.

"You know there's no way for you to defeat any of us." The long-haired man stood up to her rage, tying his hair into a ponytail. "How do you expect to get revenge if you're not strong enough to kill one of us?"

"Did I ask you to question our purpose here?" She continued screaming. "Would you mind if I try to kill you to see for yourself and get anyone to spill the truth? You better not let your arrogance lead you to your own end."

That got him pissed off, and he took out his sword to fight her. "Damn you." He grumbled.

"Nobunaga!" The monster guy called out, making him refrain from any conflict.

"Tch." He put his sword away and turned away from her enraged look. His eyes landed on Gon, who felt nothing but sympathy for us. "I want to challenge you."

Me, Lynn, and Killua watched as Gon arm-wrestled the long-haired man named Nobunaga, losing to every match. I noticed his hand was red from how many times Nobunaga pinned it down.

"So, when it comes to arm wrestling, what's my rank among the Spiders? Be honest." He asked.

"Seventh or eighth, probably." The monster guy answered.

"You're not the weakest, but you're not the strongest either." The pink-haired woman replied.

"Right. The strongest member of the Troupe is this guy called Uvogin." He stated solemnly. "But apparently, it looked like the chain user had killed him."

"We told you already! We have no idea who that is!" Killua objected.

Nobunaga slammed Gon's hand down with much power. He stared at him with such penetrating eyes. "Kid. If you speak without my permission again, I'll kill you."

I sharply gasped at his menacing threat. I kept my mouth shut and watched the two arm wrestle for another time. I started trembling as soon as I saw blood dripping from Gon's sore hand.

"Uvogin was an Enhancer. He was simpleminded, straightforward, and always loved a good fight. But he was fussy about time. He'd always start fights when Franklin and I were late. He beat the crap out of me many times, I can tell ya!" His voice was filled with grief as he continued to explain about this Uvogin guy.

"I've known him since before the Troupe was founded. I know him better than anyone. He would never...I mean never...lose in a fair fight, you hear me? Not unless he was caught in some dirty trap! I'll make his killer pay." His grip on Gon's hand tightened. Oh man, he felt the same way we did.

"I'll find him, no matter how many I have to kill. The chain user holds a strong grudge against us. The Mafia's Nostrade family hired him recently."

I gathered all the details and put them together. Chain user...strong grudge against the Troupe...hired. Wait, that meant...I gasped when I finally realized one thing.

"You may not heard of him directly, but you may have heard rumors about him! So, think hard, all right? Spill all of it."

Gon strained to pin down Nobunaga's hand for once, more blood dripping from his own aching hand. "I do not know anything about him. But even if I did, I would never tell you anything!" He retorted with pure anger in his voice. "I thought you were a bunch of cold-blooded, heartless monsters, but I can see you shed tears, mourning the death of your friend. You're capable of feeling empathy, are you? But...you've killed so many people, including Lizzy and Lynn's parents! Just why...Why couldn't you feel the same thing for them? What the hell is wrong with you, you bastard?!" He bellowed, finally slamming Nobunaga's hand on the table using his Nen. Everyone was shocked, including my sister and I.

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