Becoming A Rapper

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Picos pov

"ok pico the key to being a great rapper is being able to sing fast and think lyrics up on the spot and you have a natural talent for both so we're going to inhance that today" Keith said enfusiasticly.

"ok" I said nervously.

"alright hit me up best buddy!" he yelled throwing me a microphone.

We did a rap battle together and although I didn't win I did manage to keep him on the edge which I'm proud of.

"wow pico you really gave me a run for my money and this is only your second time rapping" Keith said patting me on the back.

"thanks" I said blushing slightly. I'm not used to being complemented.

"I think you did great too pico" darnell said quickly.

"aww thanks darnell" I said pulling him into a hug. He yelped and his face turned red. He only seems to act that way when I hug him. Weird.

I could have sworn I heard nene say "will you two just fuck already!" but I must have misheard.

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