Chapter 16: Unfortunate

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Athy's POV

"Papa... No way.. You really- You don't.. remember me?" I muttered, horrified.

The blond man simply looked at me with disgust.

"You dare call me your father?" Claude said, glaring daggers at me.

"I... What..." I whispered to myself.

"Your Majesty, please stop." Felix said, defending me.

"Stop your nonsense, Felix. Why's she allowed here?" The man glared at Felix .

"You stop your nonsense!" The crimson haired man shot back.

"All of you, get out. I need to do some work." Claude sighed.

"Your Majesty, you finished all of them yesterday to spend some time with the princess!" Felix said.


"You don't have a single thing to do!"


"Your Majesty, do you really not remember?" Felix asked, highly concerned.

"Remember what?"

"... You- You really-"

"I'm going." I finally said.

He forgot me.

Why would he forget me?

Why forget me now? Now that Lucas left for the world tree just three days ago? Now that no one's here to help me?

I fought back my tears as I speed walked to my room.

"P-princess.!" Lily ran to me.

"What." I said, my voice cracking.

"Princess, I know you're not fine.!" Lily desperately tried to reach me, but I ran this time.

"Even if.. Even if I wasn't..! Is there anything else you can do?!" I yelled before slamming the door behind me.


I spent the next few hours in my room, crying my eyes off.

I could tell Lily's giving me some space since she hasn't knocked yet.

Is that, or.. Is it because she knew I was right with what I said earlier.?

I yelled at Lily, and I sure felt bad. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me.


I fell asleep.

I dreamt of a horrible dream.

It was where everything slowly made things to where everything I experienced in my past life was repeated.

I can't....

I can't bear to suffer anymore.

In all these years, I learned to love dad, but there has always been something deep inside me...

I don't know...

Was it insecurity.?

I knew that behind every smile I've shown, I was scared.

I was scared that maybe .. I was going to lose dad again.

It actually happened.

My fears.. Everything I didn't want to happen..

Why aren't the odds in my favor?

Haven't I already suffered enough? Why more? Most importantly...

Why me?

All these years I've been having a hard time trying to trust people around me, and trying to forget my past.

I've finally moved on now, so...

Why take him away from me now?

I sobbed once again.

This isn't fair..

I calmed down a bit after a few minutes, and I sat up on my bed.

I'm hungry...

As I began to feel hunger, I glanced on my table.


There was a meal, deserts, and a drink on the table.

Ah.. Lily must've given that to me.

I slowly got off my bed, thanking Lily under my breath.

I sat down, and began eating the food.

Oh? I didn't expect it to be hot..

I thought it was going to be cold, and i was fine with that, but...

Does that mean Lily recently placed them here.?

Lily had always been my mother figure. In fact, she keeps saying that she took care of me because of my mother.

Then, does that mean... She's only taking care of me not because she loves me as her own child, but because of my mother.?

The thought didn't help my emotions.

Why would anyone let me go through this hell...?

Not only was I neglected in my first life, didn't have anyone with me in my second one, but now I'm losing the only father I've had in all these lifetimes.


The next few days were the literal definitions of hell for me.

I was put in room arrest by my own father, found out he'd been hanging out with Jeannette, and now...

"Hi, Athy." The brunette gracefully greeted.

"J-Jeannette.?" I looked at her with wide eyes.

Jeannette was in my room. Standing in front of the door, and looking at me as I ate.

"May I... Join you?" Jeannette asked shyly.

"Ah, yes.." I replied, and the brunette sat down in front of me.

"S-so... I heard you've been hanging out with... His Majesty lately?" I asked, uncomfortable.

"U-um... Yeah.. But it's okay! I mentioned you as many times as I can whenever I talked to him!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, but here you are, currently living in the emerald palace.." I muttered, not thinking about what I'd just said.

"T-that... I'm sorry.." Jeannette dejectedly apologized.

"Huh? Wait, no! That wasn't- I didn't mean it that way.! You don't need to apologize.!" I panicked.

However, I didn't seem to convince Jeannette.

"Jeannette... I'm glad that you're here, okay? In fact, I'm happy to know you're my cousi- sister." I reassured her, placing my hand on hers.


"Yeah." I flashed a smile.


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