Chapter 1: Prologue

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Athanasia had been framed for poisoning her own sister, and now she is kneeling in front of her own father.

"What will it take for you to love me?"

"Should I become like Jeannette?"

"If I do, then will you call my name dearly like you call hers?"

"And watch me with warmth in your eyes?"

"Will you hold me in your arms.. Without pushing me away?"

"Such a thing won't happen till the day I die."

"Why is that?"

"I'm your daughter too, father."

"I've been by your side much longer than Jeannette."

"You fool."

Those two words said in the coldest tone she'd heard made her tremble on the ground. He'd been heartless till the very end.

"There was never a day I considered you my daughter."

That sentence was enough for the blonde to realize that what she'd always wanted, what she'd always been chasing for will never be obtained by her. Only then did she realize her mistake, how foolish she was to hope for something she will never have. She didn't know how, or what to feel. Whether to be sad, hopeless, angry, or devastated.

She let go of the man. She looked at him in realization that the father she'd always believed for him to be was never there, and never will.

She cried more. It was a little too late now. She'd lost everything including her false hope. She'd considered that maybe death would be better for her since now she knows that she'd been idiotic, and on top of that, no one believes her but Lily. Yet the only person who stood up for her was executed this morning, she couldn't even properly say goodbye to her mother figure.

'Now.. Now I don't have a reason to live..'


After that scene, she was sent to the dungeons, and was expected to be executed in the public the next day.

The guards took her to what seemed like a stage in the public. In the middle was a rope, hanging.

Everyone looked at the princess in disgust, some murmuring about how disgraceful she was, and some ridiculing her.

The girl had a genuine smile on her face at the thought of seeing her mother, and Lily in the after life.

"We present to you, Athanasia De Alger Obelia." The host announced.

"She'd attempted murder on the crown princess, her sister, therefore she is to be executed, and stripped of her title." The host continued as the guards grabbed the blonde forcefully, and put the rope on her neck.

Athanasia looked lifeless although alive. She couldn't bring herself to look at the father and daughter duo, although she knows for a fact that she'd done nothing wrong, she still felt ashamed.

Finally, she was able to look up to the brunette, but she looked away, guilty.

'Jeannette.... I'm sorry..'

The blonde cried more, but her face was still emotionless.

Everyone cheered for her nearing death, including the emperor himself.

"Do you have any last words?" The host turned to the helpless blonde.

Athanasia did not expect to be asked that, so despite her situation, she still managed to smile gently, which made everyone seem hesitant to rejoice.

The True Princess (Wmmap Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora