Chapter 21: Garden

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Athy's POV

I sat on the soft grass, taking in the beauty of the garden. I loved the fresh scent of this garden, I wish I could go here everyday. But.. Where am I?

I sighed. Not that it matters anyway. All I need right now is to reorganize my thoughts, and calm down.

After my breakdown earlier, I don't really feel like crying right now.

I laid on the grass, putting one of my hands on my forehead, and the other hand laid across the grass.

I closed my eyes and took a breath, and all I could think of was— What a disaster.

Not only did papa show I'm no longer accepted, but I myself showed that I'm weak. I never got to see his reaction to my words though I looked him in the eye. I wonder, what was his reaction?

Was he hurt? Did he finally remember me? Maybe he was disturbed?

Suddenly, his cold, and ruthless face as he watched me die flashed in my head.

It pained me. Perhaps he had the same expression as that time.

I laid on my side, trying to push away those thoughts. Instead of thinking about dad's expression, I instead tried to think of something else, and all I could remember was Jeannette. I wonder, how is she doing now? Didn't she run for me earlier?

The thought of Jeannette caring for me as much as she did the last time warmed my heart, and I couldn't help but smile unknowingly.

At that instant, a blue glowing light flashed in front of me, and so did a man with black hair, and red eyes.

I quickly got up from my position and ran to him.

"Lucas!" I exclaimed.

"I figured you'd be here." He says, and I could tell he's contemplating whether or not to hug me back.

I loosened my grip and looked at him, "You did? How?"

"Because you like flowers," He smiles gently, "For some reason."

My eyes widened for some reason. I didn't know Lucas was someone to pay attention to such things.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah? Do you have some for me right now?"

He pauses and looks at me hesitantly, while I was on the verge of laughter. He's so amusing when I tease him like this.

After a long silence, I was about to drop the teasing until he flicked his hand and a bouquet of flowers fell on my hands. I clumsily caught them.

"Ah!" I exclaimed in surprise. I took a moment to admire the beautiful flowers on my hands, and top of that, they smelled wonderful.

"Woah, Lucas!" My gaze shifted from the flowers, to him.

He looks away bashfully, "It's nothing."

I giggled at his reaction, who knew Lucas could be so cute?

Before I could even stop myself, my hands made their way to his cheeks. It was soft, just as it looked. We stayed in the same position, and Lucas looked at me with wide eyes, as I slowly regret what I had done on impulse.

"What are you-" Before he could even finish, I pinch his cheeks are hard as I could removed them quickly from his face.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He places his hand on his slightly red cheek. Was it already red or was it because I pinched it?

"Nothing, they just looked pinchable." I smiled slyly.

I wished that this moment would last, where I didn't have to worry about a single thing, and there'd only be the two of us. But wait— What in the world am I saying? Him and I alone? Forever?

At that moment, I felt it. The thing that's been tugging my heart since forever, that I've pushed away for who knows how long. However, at this point, there's no denying. I love Lucas. I loved him unknowingly ever since his appearance when I cried in front of the emerald palace. I tried denying it since there was no way, and I was too busy with affairs within the empire, I didn't have time.

"Athanasia?" Lucas' voice rang.

My name falling out his mouth drove me crazier, and words were stuck in my throat.

He places both hands on each of my shoulders, "Are you alright?"

I looked into his beautiful eyes, and I could feel my cheeks burning.

"Nothing!" I hurriedly say as I push him away.

"It doesn't seem like nothing," Lucas looked concerned, "seriously, what is it?"

I sighed, looking down, "Nothing, I'm telling you."

Stealing a glance at Lucas, I could tell from his expression that he didn't believe a single word from me.

I wanted to hug him so much, to hold his hand, to stare at his beauty all day, and to talk to him about everything, but I felt as if it as too selfish.

I don't deserve to have my "romance" yet. Not when the whole palace is crumbling, not when I left everyone bewildered and scared, and especially not when dad is suffering right now.

I looked into his eyes, and for the first time in a long time, I regretted being a princess. I wish I was a commoner, so I could be carefree with Lucas. I wish I didn't have so many burdens to bear, I wish the only thing that I had to worry about was his wellbeing. However, that's not the case in my circumstance, I am the princess. Without me, dad will die, so will Jeannette, and so will the whole empire. I will also die, meaning I don't get to be with him. I'm scared.

Then, snapping me out of my thoughts, Lucas hugs me out of the blue. I was truly surprised since I was usually the one hugging.

I couldn't help but think, he cares about me.

I smiled genuinely and hugged him back.

"Thank you," I whispered, "You mean a lot to me."

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