Chapter 29: Tea Time

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"Damnit." The man clenched his fists.

"Not so confident now, are you?" The lady mocked.

The man, in rage, picked up the closest vase to him and threw it. The lady barely missed the hit, and a wandering shard of glass cut her cheek.

"Don't give me that crap, Roselia." He gritted his teeth.

Roselia wasn't fazed. She slowly closes the distance between her and the man. He was displeased by the fact, but did not move.

She smiled eerily as her hands gently cupped his face, "Just be patient."

"No. I can't wait two more years. We have to get rid of her now." He says as he slaps her hands away.

Roselia sighed, "Fine. I'll do it for you."


Athy's POV

"Princess, it's time to wake up." Lily said softly as she rubs my back.

I face away from her, "...Five minutes."

She chuckles lightheartedly, "That's what you said five minutes ago."

"I don't wanna get up." I complained.

"You have to, you're meeting with His Majesty today, remember?"

Oh, right.

I sighed, "Okay, okay, I'm getting up."

I sat up and took my time to adjust to the sunlight. 

Finally, I started getting ready with Lily. I put on a beautiful white outdoor dress. It was simple, not too extravagant. Lily gave me an updo for my hair, and she finished it off with a jewel blue hairpin that matched my eyes perfectly. 

A knock was heard.

"Ah, he must be here." Lily said as she pats my hair gently one final time before getting the door.

"Good morning, princess!" Felix greeted cheerfully.

I stood from my stool, "What happened to calling me Athy?"

"Ah, I didn't forget." Felix said bashfully.

I chuckled, "Sure."

Lily smiled warmly at our gentle interaction.

"Ah, Sir Robane, one of the buttons on your cape is unclasped." She observes, and then goes up to him.

Lily was focusing intently on fixing his cape, while the crimson haired man froze in his place.

"Miss York, y-you don't need to-" Felix stammered.

"It's fine." Lily said softly.

Ah, his face is almost as red as his hair.

A knowing smile spread across my face.

They like each other.

"Alright, it looks perfect now." Lily flashed him a million-dollar smile, and you could tell Felix's heart skipped a beat.

"Ah, that's.. You're welco- I mean, thank you!" He stuttered, then quietly he said, "Thank you, Miss York."

I smirked, "tell me when you two are done flirting with each other. Though, please don't take long, I still have something to attend to."

The True Princess (Wmmap Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora