Chapter Fifty Three

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John whined, but then the train came along and the trio got on. "This is going on the Broadway line," John realized slowly.

Alex suppressed a smirk and nodded. John gasped, his face lighting up. "What are we going to see?" he asked excitedly. 

Smirking, Alex pressed a finger to his lips. "You'll find out, won't you?" he teased. John pouted and whined but Alex wouldn't tell him anything about their date. 

They finally arrived at their destination and Alex pulled a blindfold out of his pocket. John gaped at him. "I have to wear this?" he asked disbelievingly. 

Alex nodded innocently. John scoffed as his boyfriend tied it around his head, covering his eyes. "I hate you," he lied. 

Thomas laughed. Alex pecked John's cheek quickly. "No you don't," he told him. John huffed, knowing that he couldn't lie to Alex about something like that.

They arrived at the theatre quickly and Thomas's eyes widened when he saw what musical Alex had chosen to take them to see. He pulled his boyfriend aside. 

"Do you have any idea what happens in this musical?" he hissed. Alex looked confused. Thomas sighed, pulling John's blindfold off.

John blinked once he could see again and saw the theatre they were outside. "Alex..." he trailed off, staring at the name on the outside of the musical.

Alex deflated. "I messed up, didn't I?" he asked miserably. John hurried to reassure him.

"No! No, you didn't mess up! I've wanted to see Beetlejuice since Peggy introduced me to Broadway!" he rushed out. Alex perked up a little at that. "C'mon, I wanna see where we're sitting," John said enthusiastically.

Thomas, who had been slightly bullied into musical theatre upon rejoining the Hamisquad, asked him lowly, "Are you gonna be okay watching this?"

John smirked. "I've never related to Lydia more," he admitted. "I've been dying to see this, almost as much as my mom." After making his joke his face darkened. "Nope, too soon," he shuddered. 

Thomas wrapped an arm around him. "You're awesome, you know that? And you know that you don't have to pretend to be happy all the time with us?" he checked.

Forcing a smile, John nodded. An easy lie, he reasoned. No point in making them worry when he was going to move on and be perfectly okay in a few weeks.

The trio found their seats and chatted until the lights dimmed and the usual announcements about turning phones off. John grabbed his boyfriends' hands excitedly. 

When the cast walked onstage and started performing the first song in the musical, Invisible. Alex turned pale. "Why didn't either of you tell me this was like this?" he hissed at John and Thomas.

They fell apart laughing quietly until Lydia said, "You're invisible when you're sad." Then Thomas turned to John.

"Is that really what it feels like? Like you're invisible?" he asked. John shrugged, smiling as The Whole Being Dead Thing started playing.

Alex looked like he was gonna slap John when Dead Mom started playing later. "Why didn't you tell me when we got outside?" he asked indignantly.

John shrugged, grinning like a maniac. "Because I have always wanted to see this and I really relate to Lydia right now," he explained. 

Alex laughed quietly. "I get it," he admitted. "Well, not really because I've never been interested in musicals, but when my mom... y'know, I only read books that had orphaned protagonists for a solid year. Safe to say, I ran out of fresh material about a month in, but I just kept re-reading until I felt ready to move on." 

Someone shushed them from behind and the pair settled down, Alex leaning his head against John's shoulder and John doing the same to Thomas. The three stayed in that position until the end of the show.

On the subway home, John was practically giddy. "That was amazing, Alex," he gushed. "I loved it. Thank you for taking us." 

Alex blushed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "It was nothing. I just wanted to cheer you up a bit," he confessed. 

John awwed and kissed his cheek. "I love you," he cooed. 

Alex smiled. "I love you too," he replied. Thomas had been staring down at his phone, but he looked up at his boyfriends to add the same. 

"Love y'all," he told them. "Also, how do you feel about a double date with James and Michael?"


Aight, so, couple of quick updates. 

First, not related to the story, I got girlfriend!

Second, there is going to be a sequel! Not yet, there's still a bunch of stuff to happen in this, but there is going to be a part 2 y'all!

Third, there is no third but I'll be impressed if anyone is still reading this. 

See ya soon!

I'm Just Sayin' If You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him -A Jamilams FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon