47. Hes clingy pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for helping, (Y/N)!" Hagakure said as I exited her room.

It only took 20 minutes to come up with an outfit all of us can agree on. Turns out Hagakure had a date with Ojiro, how cute! I did text Katsuki constantly to let him know I didn't forget about our plans. So when I finally came to the common area, he was sitting in the couches with Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero (who wrapped Mineta with his tape again).

"Who's ready to paint?!" I exclaimed as the boys turned to look at me
Kaminari gasped "Me!"
Katsuki got up and slapped the back of his head "Try again, dunce face"
"Wait Bakugo, you're gonna paint?" Kirishima looked shocked
"Yeah, so what!" Katsuki's face started to turn red but he didn't let anyone see
"Maybe next time all of us can paint" I chuckled
"Is that an invite?" Sero asked but Katsuki was not having it
"Yes! For another time though!" I quickly replied "We'll be outside!"

Katsuki took the bag from me and held my hand. We walked a bit further away from the dorms so we can get a little privacy. He spread out the blanket as I dumped out the rest of the stuff in the bag and sat down. Katsuki sat awfully close to me, usually I wouldn't complain but these paintings are suppose to be surprise!

"What? Why are you looking at me like that witch? I put that scent you like!" Katsuki started
"You smell fine babe!" I immediately complimented him "But were suppose to surprise each other when we're done painting"
"What the fuck? So I can't be close to my girlfriend now?!"

I chuckled at his poutines.

"Just for right now" I said as I kissed his cheek as a compensation for this inconvenience


"So... What are you painting?" I asked as I tried to peak over his side only to have him hide it
"I thought it was suppose to be surprise!"
I groaned "It is but I'm done with mine, I think you're gonna like it"

I grinned at my poorly painted pomeranian with an angry look and little explosions going off in the back. Katsuki would be lying if he said he didn't resemble my painting.

"You seemed to use a lot of Ash blond, witch" He looked up at me "I really wonder what it could be"
"And you seem to be using a lot of purples and pinks"

Did we both draw/paint something that reminds us of each other? Probably.

After waiting for a few more minutes Katsuki was done. I was excited to see what took him so long.

"Ready?" I said as we were about to do an big reveal "1... 2... 3!"

We flipped each other's canvases and started laughing.

"I fucking knew it!" Katsuki gave me a rare genuine smile "I love it witch"
"You don't have to lie, yours is amazing though" I pouted looking at his art.

He painted the bright moon and a silhouette of me and my signature colors emitting through me.

He started to blush "I had a bit of inspiration from that night... and Sailor moon but don't bring that up"
I chuckled "I won't. I'm sorry your stuck with a poorly drawn pomeranian"
"What the fuck do you mean? It's looks abstract, I'll treasure this forever" He hugged me and kissed my temple

Soft Katsuki made me melt in his arms, I didn't wanna let go.

"You seemed to be ready to go" He said as I nodded, "Let's pack up then"


There were a few of our classmates in the common area, they welcomed us back and asked to see our masterpieces. Which Katsuki ignored and said later, which really meant never.

"Well, I'll go to my room and—"
"Huh?? Don't you wanna see where I'll put the painting you made me?" He cut me off

I smiled knowing that was an excuse to be with him a little longer. Who am I to say no to my boyfriend when he's being love dovey, right? We went to his room and sure enough he had a place for his 'masterpiece'.

"You can take a nap in my bed, I'll wake you up when it's late so they don't think you were kidnapped again" Katsuki told me as he prepped his bed
"And why are you gonna be doing? Watching me sleep?" I retorted as a joke
"Tsk, doing homework witch!"

I laughed at his temper. He may not be much of a hugger but I swear he gives the best hugs, so he was kind of surprised when I tried to tackle him down in a bear hug. He wrapped his arms around me protectively and kissed my forehead.

"Now go nap or help me do homework"
"I'll nap thank you"

I kissed his lips and plopped down on his bed.


pls i'm so bad at endings, but how'd you like????

i don't really have anything to say rn lol

my classes are done for the semester so hopefully i'll get more chapters done!

just to clarify:
i will be doing ALL of these requests in order!!

so next up are:
- him seeing pervy texts mineta sent you
- he hears you sing
- drummer!bakugo x reader
-you're on your period (but he doesn't know what periods are) a remix
- asking for kisses & dodging them
- going camping
- game night
- (y/n) turns into a baby
- looking for his hand while sleeping
- y/n turns into a boy
- making him buy a fake feminine product
+7 more!

see y'all next time i update! :)


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