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Another day another dollar. that's what you had in mind when you made your way to the station. Things took a turn when you saw the lobby empty and seeing the reception desk alone.

You walk into the station making your way to the reception hopping over it to land on the rolling chair behind it. You remember wearing a mask durning the abduction of Runi and her father but the nagging feeling that she recognized one of you lingered. Reasons to why you're now trying to get into her computer.

You type and type away at the the keyboard,only the tapping sound of the keys as they're pushing down is heard in the silent lobby. You keep trying to crack her damn computers passcode until the elevator dings and out comes Kiba and Yuuma. You keep quiet looking down at the keyboard lost in thought still trying to figure out this girls password.

They pass by seeing that the usual girl wasn't there but instead you were the one in her spot. Yuuma poked your forehead for you to look up but you continued to look at the keyboard. "Ma'am I don't think this is your work space." Yuuma continues to poke your forehead. You finally look up with a dead look , starting to give up.

"Do y'all know the password to this shit ?"

"Have your tried Neji's name ?"


"How about his last name ?"




"Your name ?"

"Uh huh"

"Jiraiya's dick size ?"

"System said it was too long"

"Pfft- sorry sorry" Yuuma turns around to laugh.

"If all those don't work then we'll just have to hack into it." Kiba jumps over the fancy smanshy desk next to you. He types some random numbers into some box he made appear which granted you access to the computer. He straightens up from leaning to step behind you letting you do what you were trying to do.

"So what exactly are you doing ?"

"If she's really with her fathers mob we can dig some things up and use it against them. That way we can end them. Maybe even get out normal lives back"

𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙧  [𝙉𝙚𝙟𝙞.𝙃 ]~〽️Where stories live. Discover now