Chapter 15: Bub

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{Hero Fiennes Tiffin}

Filming went well, me and Jo declined all parties and spend the nights with training Beau to follow a sleep schedule and me and jo watching movies and just trying not to touch each other. Well that was her plan not mine. She says she has a bigger chance on getting pregnant then while we still have sex. I found that complete bullshit but she swears she saw it online. And the sorry I am can't say no to her. Luckily filming is almost over and we're going back to Los Angles. Beau is growing faster and he can talk more fluent now.

"Mommy, we're going home?" This is what I mean, he can finally talk a full sentence. Sometimes it takes a while for children to start talking but Beau is a early bird.

"Yes bud, we're going home, are you excited?" She asks pulling his shirt over his head. She never lets me dress him anymore since I will only dress him up like me and I know that can be on her nerves right now since she isn't pregnant yet. Sometimes it makes me laugh of how jealous she is but then again I love it when she's jealous. The love in her eyes the twinkle that go's along with it, I would pay every cent I have to see that on her face. Since last week we stopped using condoms since it takes a few weeks to know if your even pregnant.

"Momma, Dadda, home" I come from behind and hug them both. Their my whole world. And I cant lose to anything.


It's midnight when we are home, Beau is very quiet in a plane actually. We always make sure he's a sleep and we have a bottle ready when he wakes up so he won't cry. And even if he cries no one should have something about it cause it's very natural. But Beau quickly falls back a sleep when he gets feed. Now I'm taking our suitcase and Jo has Beau in his maxicosi. Jo opens the front door to her too small apartment. We've been looking for a house, since we have a baby now and we're planning a new one we need to move houses. And me and Jo have a shared bank account now so we make more then enough money.  Once Jo and I have showered. We lay in bed. I pull her to my chest and wrap my arms around her waist while she placed her tiny hands on my chest. We lay like this for some time while we kiss each other and bite each other's lip. Until we fall a sleep we keep going, that's been our thing lately.


I wake up at six am not fully aware why I woke up exactly until I hear a puking Josephine. I throw the covers from my body and quickly go to the bathroom. I hold her hairs back rubbing the sleep out my eyes.

"Are you okey?" I ask yawing. She looks up with a smile, "why are you smiling psycho, it's six am and your sick." I wine wanting to go back in bed.

"No you asshole I'm not sick..." she looks at me if I should know what is going on until...

"No way! We did it!?" I'm not tired anymore and I'm fully awake.

"We did it." She smiles. I pull her up flushing the toilet.

"We did it." I whisper. This is a moment I won't ever forget. My baby is pregnant again. We did it. "I promise I won't ever be an ass again, I won't leave you in the pregnancy like I did. I love you Josephine and I'm happy that I can call you my wife very soon."

"I love you Hero, I'll call the hospital to make an appointment for the echo's." I nod but I don't let her go. I just want to hold her for a while. But we need to separate when Beaus cries fill the house. I both sigh with a smile on our face. I feed Beau while Jo makes the call.

"You were hungry weren't you." I burp him before I lay him back in his tiny bed.
"Well bub, soon you'll have a little sister or brother. Are you excited for that?" He smiles while moving his body and making a squealing sound. "Of course you are." I kiss his head and softly close the door.

A/N: very short chapter, but I'm already busy with the new one. I want to apologise for not being active for two weeks or more. I've been reading the off campus serie and I'm so in loveeee!!

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