10: anouncement

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{Hero Fiennes Tiffin}

I called my friends and family telling them to decorate my house and buy pressend for Beau even my family did that already cause they didn't have a fuck if he was coming here or not. But I did this behind Jo's back. I planned more after the party something for the three of us. Something I'll she'll love. It's now one PM and Jo just woke up, I wanted to give her a good rest since it was a long night yesterday. Today when I wake up I decide to make breakfast while the rest sets everything ready.

"You're going to be a good dad Hero," Mercy tells me from behind and hugs me.

"Thank you Merc, now go decorate it's almost ten!" I yell at her playfully.

And exact at ten Jo comes down the stairs. We all are standing in the kitchen and yell suprise which makes Jo cry. Why the fuck is she crying? I rush over her wiping her tears away and take her to a separate room.

"Baby what's wrong?" I ask her concerned filed my voice

"No, no, no, everything is fine I just never thought you would do this for him." She cries in my chest as I pull her closer. We keep standing like this for a minute while I cares her hair.

"Should we get Beau so he can see his cake?" I ask her, which makes her sob even more but she nods yes. I take her small hand in mine as I lead her upstairs giving everyone a look that it's fine. We reach my room where Beau is peacefully sleeping, Jo picks him up gently and whispers things still sobbing.

"Wanna see you birthday cake?" She asks as he just makes a happy sound. We walk downstairs Jo holding Beau as Mercy shoves a cake in front of him which he destroys with his hands which makes us al laughs

"It all goinf to be okey Jo." I whisper to her and she gives me a kiss.

The rest of the day is spend with my friends and sister, we all play with Beau and Jo is fine now. She is calmed down and has thanked me a thousand times while she kissed me. I missed this. Fuck I missed this. I love her so much.

"Time to announce it?" I ask her and she nods. I know she wanted to get this out of her and don't want to hide anymore. So we excuse us and I take her to my car.

"Why are we going to you're car?" She asks me while we're both walking with Beau in the middle as he needs to learn to walk.

"You'll just have to wait and find out, love." I smile at her as she rolls her eyes. I know she hates surprises but she'll love this one.

"How are we even putting Beau in you're car you don't have a car seat?" She asks panicked.

"It's sounding like you want to get out of this, anyways I have a car seat don't worry." I tell her as I open the door for her. "But I want to make a picture in the car so keep him on you're lab." I tell her as she does what I say. I take my phone out and lay my hand on the console. "Now put yours on top of it and than his," I tell her and she does the same as I do. And i take a picture. "Let me post it than we can go." She nods probably disappointed she doesn't have a photo. "Just wait I know honderd procent sure you want to make a photo on the suprise. I'll wait with posting yeah?" She nods bringing that smile on her face again. We drive for a two hours and Jo and Beau are both a sleep. When we arrive I wake Jo up.

"You took us to a beach?" She asks.

"I rented it for a day." I say wich makes her eyes fall out of her pop sockets. I laugh at her. "Come on." I open her door and lead her to the beach.

"Hero how expensive was this?" She asks me sternly as if I'm her kid.

"None of youre concern, now lets go." We walk on the beach for the whole time until we reach a table with fruits and breads to eat.

"You are amazing Hero, thank you for doing this even tho he won't remember it." We both laugh at her comment.

"With please baby." I cares her hand as we take place. We eat and When Beau starts throwing things we keep on walking, the sun is set low and Jo wants to take a picture so we do. And we decide to let Beau play in the sand and post our pictures.

 And we decide to let Beau play in the sand and post our pictures

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Hero_ft: My loves @josephinelangford

Felix_9k: He's the sweetest!
Mercy_FT: Hope she enjoyed it!
Morgz: Yo you didn't even thought let's pop by?

Felix_9k: He's the sweetest!Mercy_FT: Hope she enjoyed it!Morgz: Yo you didn't even thought let's pop by?

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Josephinelangford: Thank you @Hero_ft and happy birthday baby boy❤️

KatherineLangford: The cutest!
Mercy_FT: Stop!😍😍
Felix_9k: Come back we miss him!
Bells: What a cutie we need to call!

And that is how our night went, we spend it on the beach and I didn't want it different. The two loves of my lives. Both on the same place with me again.


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