01: Unloved...

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Josephine Langford.

It has been nice sinds I've asked him to marry me, I never thought I would ask that instead of the man. But I love that I did that, Hero has been so nice and caring and the only thing I've been doing is snapping at him. It's these hormones that are killing me, I'm 8 months pregnant now and my baby is late, well that's what they said.

You're baby can be later than the actual day.

They said it wasn't a bug deal so I'm fine with it. Hero does worry over it but I asked my parents and they said it was fine. I've been kinda distant of Hero, I haven't touched him since we had sex when I asked him to marry me, it was so uncomfortable for me but I shut my mouth and let him enjoy. I think about that night everyday of how quilts I am for letting- it doesn't even matter, he tries so much to make me feel better when the baby kicks but nothing helps and I only snap at him.

"Jo?" I hear Hero yell, he is so annoying. He- stupid hormones, they make me think this and make me snap, and everytime I think about this I still snap at him.

"What is it now Hero!?" I already see his sad face in front of me. I heard him calling one of his mates when he thought I was a sleep.

H: I don't know what to do anymore man, it feels like I'm not enough for her.

F: just let it be, I'm sure she loves you, she is pregnant Hero.

H: you're right.

That night he didn't come to bed he stayed in front of the window where he was calling the whole night. 

"Nothing, uhm I need to go, I'll be back in a bit yeah?" He question, why does he questions me? He can leave when he wants to leave. Is this how I behave?

"Bye!" Is the thing I yell and I want to punch myself. I hear the door fall shut and I decide to watch some TV

Hero Fiennes Tiffin.

It is destroying me, I want that baby out of her like now. Fucking hell, I know it's the pregnancy but she has been snapping at me for no reason like now I just called her and she was pissed already. It is destroying me and I know that she knows what it does to me and it makes her feel bad, I know she I punishing herself so she is destroying herself too which bothers me the most. Only one month and maybe a bit more and then she is back to normal. I can't keep the dream out of my head thought, I still haven't told her about it and tomorrow is the gender reveal -we pushed cause I was just back- I'm doubting if I should tell her before or after the gender reveal, I don't want to ruin it for if it's really a boy. I just brush it off and keep on walking. It but keeps bugging me, I decide to go home and make some dinner since it's already past noon. When I'm home even before I open the front door I hear her giggles. Every time her sister comes by she is happy and doesn't snap well not at her, to me it doesn't matter. But when I open the door I see Jacob which made my blood boil. I had apologised to him but I stuk didn't like him, Jo gives me a death glare while I just push my shoes of and put on my slides.

"Hey man!" Jacob beams, he is way to happy, he was so happy when I apologised. Fucking wanker it didn't even meant anything.

"Hey," I dryly say while I go to the kitchen,

"Don't bother making dinner I'm going out with Jacob!" She yells, is she sirious right now!? She can't even talk with me doesn't even wanna look at me but can go out with Jacob? Fine if she wanna plays it like this fine.

"Don't worry, I wasn't! Oh and I'm going to a club have fun." I beam while I walk past them. I decide to gel my hair back put on my two chains and a black sweater/shirt, I put on some black jeans with them and my black Air Force Ones. Just as I'm about to put my cologne on Jo walks in. I see her quaking at me but I keep my smirk to bother her which she has been doing to me.

"So, going to a club huh?" She asks while she leans on her heals.

"Yeah, I thought you are going out with Jacob I'll go to a club," I say nonchalant while I pull my shoulders up like it's not a big deal.

"Hero I'm sorry I know I've been off lately but-"

"Jo I totally get you'r off and you'r pregnancy but fucking hell you won't even look at me! You don't touch me, you don't look at me, you don't even give a kiss not even a fucking peck. Do you know how that makes me feel!?...fucking unloved, I feel like you don't give a shit and you telling me you are going out with Jacob... FUCK! Don't you understand how you hurt me every single day but I keep pushing through it for you, for our baby, for us. Our little fucking family! I'm trying everything Jo, I tried it all, I let you snap at me everyday and push it way... How would you feel if I called Miriam and said I was going out for dinner?" She is taken back by my speaker but this is just what I wanted to say, it makes me feel better but also worse.

"I- I didn't knew you felt that worse Hero, I'm sorry, I really don't know what to say," she bursts out in crying. "And no I wouldn't like the idea of you and Miriam," she says answering my question.

"Go Jo." I state with a sigh and sit on the bed rubbing my hands on my face.

"What?" She asks me with that broken voice of her.

"Go with Jacob, it's what you want, you want that rather than being with me in the moment so do what makes you happy, I'm not going to a club... I think I'm just going to... I don't know, have fun I'm taking a shower." I plainly say before I brush my hand over hairs and close the bathroom door. I put my chains on the little shelve Jo has in her bathroom and let my clothes fall of my body, I turn the shower on waiting for it to be hot. I take a look at myself in the mirror, I look like shit, I have bags under my eyes, cause fun fact I haven't been able to sleep in a while, even in her sleep she pushes me away. My acne got a bit worse, I don't got a lot but when I don't eat well and plus the sleep it becomes more and I hate it. I shake my head and get under the hot water to relax my muscles, which isn't really working. I'm to tensed and annoyed and venerable, I just don't want to have a fight with her other side we totally ruin the gender reveal. I wash my body and hair and let myself enjoy the hot water cause I don't have anything to do anyways. As I turn the hot water off I put a towel around my waist and put my clothes with the dirty ones, I walk in the room to find it completely empty, a part of me wished that she stayed but she didn't and I thought she would go with him anyways. I get in my boxers and football shorts, some high white socks with my slides and not to wear a shirt right now, it was fucking hot in LA so I didn't budge. I let myself flop on bed while I just put the tv on searching for something interesting on Netflix deciding to skip tonight's dinner... again. After searching I still couldn't really find something interesting, I was about to give up when my phone blows up like it never has been, people are tagging me on Instagram like crazy, I never really bother but I don't have things to do now so I just check it out. And I just wished I never did.

Jacob Elrodi and Josephine Langford dating? May her co-star Hero Fiennes Tiffin never been her loved one? Jacob and Josephine has been seen together in a restaurant together, a date perhaps? I ship!

I quickly turn my phone off not wanting to see anything what they have to say more, I toss my phone to the little couch in her room while I put a white shirt over my head, I take my cigarets and lighter, I haven't smoked in a while and me and Josephine wanted to make me stop for the baby it was better but now I just couldn't help myself, rumours of your girlfriend dating some else is not something you wanna read and specially not when you have a bad day. I decide to take a long walk, I don't know and I don't care for how long I just want to be away for a little while.

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