06: You dont understand!

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I've been sleeping for some hours now sometimes when I wake up I see Hero whispering thing to Beau and caressing his cheek while holding him. It's melts my heart to see him like this but my eyes can't stay open. Now I'm awake cause a nurse her name is Petra is teaching me how to breastfeed.

"So basically you rub you'r nipple against you'r baby's cheeks and then he'll suck on it. When he's losing grip or he pulls away you know he's done, I recommend this to do it like this at home. It's very easy. Now are you ready?"

"Yes," I answer not sure if I'm ready I had just a few hours of sleep and this baby is hungry. He has Hero's appetite. Petra opens my hospital gown and puts Beau in my arms. I rub my nipple against his cheek just like she told me, he turns his head and lets his mouth suck on my nipple. It is a weird feeling. It's like Hero is sucking at my nipple, the thought makes me giggle. But yet it's different, Beau sucks very hard and he doesn't has teeth and it's more a stinging feeling than pleasure. I feel his mouth loosen and him moving his head. I take him of my nipple and close my gown.

"That was perfect Josephine, do you want him to stay here with you? Than I can put a bed here if Hero is planning on staying he can hand him over to you to feed? If that's okey with you?"

"I'd like to keep him here yes." I don't want my baby's with those other ones. I feel safer when he is here, my baby. I did it. Thank god and I've gotten the beautifulest baby ever. He has Hero's dark hair with my eyes but Hero's nose, the perfect nose ever. Just on que Petra walks out and Hero walks in.

"Hey, how is it going?" Hero asks, he looks tired, exhausted just like me. The different is that I can sleep and he doesn't. I've tried asking but he says he keeps an eye on Beau.

"Hero are you sure you don't want to go home, take a shower, get some sleep, change clothes-?"

"No, stop asking me Jo, it's like you want me gone." He rubs his eyes in frustration letting himself fall in the chair. I hate that he takes things so personal on the moment. It makes me annoyed, I just want what's best for him!

"That's not what I mean Hero, I just want what's best for you. But whatever." I say frustrated.

"Yeah sure you don't. I'm going to the toilet." He rushes out and than goes to the toilet on the hallway not in my room. Why is he taking this so personal. I hate that I make him feel this way. Beau feels my distress and starts sturing. I push him to my chest trying to sit up so I can put Beau in his little bed. When I'm up I take deep breaths to steady myself. I didn't know it was so hard to fucking sit up. I let a tear go as there is a stinging feeling in my stomach. Feeling like there's a knife stabbing me. I try to kee Beau steady on my chest while I try to put my weight on my feet. As on cue Hero barks in.

"What the hell are you doing Jo!?" He whispers yells, slamming the door closed taking Beau from me and placing him on his bed kissing his forehead. I let myself fall on bed again, this was a fucking work out! "What where you thinking! You put yourself and our baby in danger Jo." He growls at me which I just ignore. I need to steady my breath before I can talk. "Don't ignore me Josephine, I asked you what!" I huff at him. He is the one that is putting himself in danger not me. "Fine ignore." He huffs before letting himself sit in the chair in the room and throwing his head in his hands. I try to ignore it and look at my beautiful baby. Why do we always need to fight? Maybe Hero isn't the right person for me.

And you decide to think about that now when you just pushed a baby out your vagina?

And if he didn't love you he would never have a kid with you.

Okey yeah keep this in mind. I get caught out of my thoughts by a sniffling sounds. I turn around and see Hero's back going up and down in uneven motions. Is he crying? "Hero?" He doesn't say anything just keep his head in his hands. "Come here, please." I plead to him hoping he would lay next to me.

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