Chapter 14: After all.

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Josephine Langford.

Of course she has to interrupt us, it's Inanna where we are talking about for gods sake.

"Hero! O my god, you have such a cute baby." Inanna squeals touching Hero's arm and squeezing Beau's cheek, literarily! She only compliments Hero when I'm holding our own baby!?

"Thank you but," he removes himself from her touch. "There are two people needed for that ey." He looks down at me giving me a quick kiss.

"Love!" Beau squeals, that's right rub it in her face baby. I would litter high five my baby right now but that's a bit rude.

"Uhm-" she clears her throat, "I know, congratulations." She smiles at me, but I can see right through her. I was friends with her before, we even played truth or dare with each other and now I can rip her neck off.

"No need any blood now." Hero chuckles in my ear taking Beau from me. I shake my head laughing a long with him, Beau rambles on while Hero keeps talking to him.

"No!" He gasps, "you did not," Beau squeals and laughs terribly making me smile like a crazy woman. "I'm gonna get you for that." Hero tickles Beau, I don't ever want this to stop. I want to stay in this moment for ever, they just look so happy.

"No, that is unacceptable, I'm going to tell that to mommy." Hero states as he closes his eyes pretending to not look at Beau.

"No, no, no!" Beau cries and tries to reach Hero's face. "Dadda no, no telling mommy." He shakes his head hard from left to right. Which makes me and Hero laugh.

"What is it that I can't know?" I ask Beau, he looks as if he's been caught on stealing candies, this face is to die for.

"Nothing! Love mommy." This is a cute moment, yet I can laugh my ass of, he just learned a new word and is using it in every way possible.


On set me and Hero share an trailer while the rest... I didn't even car to listen what those people are doing, it's just me and Hero and my little baby boy.

"Okey so nothing special for each of you, just fitting some clothings, also Hero I do want to change you're monkey tattoo, we're out of them and Anna requested a rose, just if you're okey with that?" Hero nods his head removing his shirt then telling a quick yeah. Beau wanted out out of his car seat so he's just crawling and walking around in this little trailer.

"Beau be careful love." My voice beams against the walls that makes Beaus head pop up and erupts in a fit of giggles. Of course he would laugh that the only thing he does.


We where both tired of changing and each time me and Hero would snap to each other when we bumped in to each other or even so slightly looked at each other. Beau just woke up and I have him the bottle while Hero variously typed away on his phone.

"Stop looking at me." He says in a low voice but yet has a smile on his face when he looks up at me.

"You're looking at me." He just laughs and shakes his head while I burp Beau.

"I'm sorry, I think we're just both on edge cause of today." He yawns putting his phone down next to him.

"I think so, I'm just so tired and my period isn't helping." I pout while he kisses my lips ever so softly.

"It's okey love, let's go to the hotel and just watch a movie with Beau." He chuckles taking my hand in his large one. I nod taking Beau's chair for in the car where's he currently in sleeping.

"I love you." Hero whispers in my ear before taking my hand and leading me to the Uber he had ordered. I give him my handsome fiancée a smile that tells him how much I love him, even if his flaws, besides his mistakes, my love for him won't ever stop and with the day it only grows bigger.

The ride home is quit neither of us really want to speak until Beau starts screaming for attention. Of course Hero is a step a head of me and has already picked up Beau in his arms. The jealousy in me is playing an even bigger part right now since my hormones are over the place. It's obvious Beau loves his dad more, it's unfair really, I've carried him with me for nine months and a year since Hero wasn't in state to do so. Yet he's a daddy's boy. Which disappoints me a bit to be honest, but I won't let it get in my way for loving them both.

"Oh no you didn't." Hero talks in his baby voice to him which makes his loud giggles fill up the car. "I love y-you." Ouch. Hero's thrilled and tries to get my attention happy that Beau formed a sentence. But I can't help the pain in my heart, I give him a small smile looking out the window.

{Hero Fiennes Tiffin}

I love that my boy is a daddy's boy but I feel bad for Jo, I know she wants to feel loved like that and that she carried him for so long and yet he doesn't give the attention she wants to him.

"What would happen if I get pregnant?" Jo suddenly breaks the moment between me and Beau. I choke on my salvia of her sudden question but quickly recover.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Never mind, it's stupid." She throws me a smile shifting on her seat looking out the window.

"Love look at me," I pull her chin to my face, I can see right through her, she's sad and she wants that baby where's she's talking about. Whether she is now pregnant or not I know she wants it. "I know you want another baby and I'm in baby I swear but if we wait until at least two weeks before the wrap. Best is after but if you really want to."

"Hero... are you serious?"

"Yes, I mean come own look at this small boy, another one won't hurt." I smirk at her. Her eyes fill up with joy and I know she's planning everything in side that pretty little head now. But I love her for that. And I always and forever will do anything for her.

A/N: Let me know what ya'll think. I know it's been a while:/

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