09: I thought we were-

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{Hero Fiennes Tiffin}

I can't believe she actually flew over for a whole pandemic, I knew if I found out I would do the same. I'm glad I could tell my side of the story to Jo finally. I never ment to hurt her in that way and I don't ever want to do that again. She is the love of my life along with my baby. I'm glad I could finally see Beau again. He had grown so much as his dark black locks got a bit lighter. Just a shade of dark brown. I don't think it will turn blonde, since Jo's official hair colour is brown too. He still had my eyes. He is perfect just like Jo. He is starting to talk Jo says. He always start to pronounce some word but it turns out in a fit of giggles. I had made a little bed for Beau so he could sleep, I made it from pillows and blankets. Jo and I lay in bed. I think everything is good now, I mean she said I love you. As we lay peaceful in bed it's quiet, not awkward just don't know where to talk about.

"I missed you," I tell her, while I roll on my side to look at her beautiful face. She rolls on her side too and looks at me.

"I did too." She gives me a smile, I moved my head closer to give her a kiss but she dodged it. Ouch. "Don't, not everything can be fixed by just telling me you have been to rehab. I just hope that you understand you still have to fight for me, win my trust back, you hurt me Hero, you lost my trust when you told me that. And you can't give alcohol the fault, cause you, yourself drank it, so it's also your own. I think it's amazing you that you went to rehab for both of us. To safe us but that does not fix everything Hero. I just hope you understand." She tells me and caresses my cheek, she is so confusing. I thought everything was good!

"I thought we were-"

"What? Good? Of course not Hero, you lost my trust. You need to show me I can't trust you again. Do you even understand?" Do I understand? I do understand that I need to earn her trust back but she had could told me earlier that I couldn't even touch her. It was just a small kiss I was going for but I guess. But of course the ass I am I huff and turn my back to her. "Turn your back on my, be a three year old man, I'm going to book a hotel tomorrow, call me when you grow the fuck up Hero. For now goodnight." She tells me with the venom in her voice. She is hurt and I understand. Why can't I just said yes I understand, or, I will do anything in my powder to let you trust me again but of course not. I don't even respond to her goodnight.

The next day I wake up and I want to pull Jo closer to me but she isn't their. Her spot is cold which means she's up for a while now. When I check next to the bed Beau isn't there too. I walk downstairs and they are both not there, her suitcase is gone too. What? There is a note in the counter. It says.

Just so you know, I thought since you went to rehab for us all you grew up. I thought you wouldn't pick a fight out of nothing cause you're wrong. But I guessed wrong. I'm at a hotel, I can't fly back anymore cause of the pandemic, call me when you grow up Hero, I'm tired of going back and forth. You can choose to be in my and Beau's life or not. Just grow up. Jo.

She did mean it. I thought she was bluffing! Why do I always fuck up? Why do I always make her leave me? I'm just a compete fuck up.

{Josephine Langford}

It's been two days since I left Hero's place, what happened? I flew over here, and cause he couldn't kiss me? I'm sorry that I don't want to have sex with her, I've not seen him in almost a year and than he gets mad. I don't understand him and I don't think I ever will. He will still always be mad, mad at life, mad I've this mistakes. He didn't wanted to follow his fathers footsteps and of what I heard yesterday he was changing for the better but now he's falling back. Asshole, and who knows for how long I need to stay here. It's currently nine AM Beau normally wakes up and ten. So I have some time to kill, my phone starts to ring, my heart flutters as I see him name on my touchscreen. But my smile turns in to a frown remembering it took him two days. But yet I pick up.

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