03: Geneder reveal.

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Hero Fiennes Tiffin.

I wake up to my alarm that I had set at 11 in the after noon, I had an hour to get ready since it's one hour driving. I push the beautiful blonde locks that are finally laying on my chest again, behind her ear. She breathes in heavily and stretches her arm out. "I need to get ready babe," I whisper softly she whispers an I love you which I tell her back then she moves to the other side. I've finally been able to sleep again. I get out of bed take a quick shower, put on a football shirt with a white shirt. When I'm all done I drive to Evan, a good friend of mines who lives in LA, he is coming to the gender reveal too but first he helps me pick up the boys and my fam. He had met my friends when he was in London and they get well with each other. One hour of driving with Evan behind me to the airport isn't something you do for fun but today is special, its our baby's day. When we arrive at the airport I text them where we at so we don't get spot that much all though I have been spot, me and Jo just didn't bothered we just turned of social media's. Mercy, Felix and mum jump in Jo's car after about ten minutes from when I texted them.

"Hello son!" Mum beams,

"Hey mum, Merc, Felix." I give him a hand shake and kiss my sister and mother on the cheek while they say hi. Evan texts me the boys are in his car so we can drive and that is what we do. I hope Jo's friends are there cause the hell will burst other ways. I hope it doesn't happy and my mum and sister can both shut their mouths but I don't know if they will. Felix is the only one that understands.

"Mum, Mercy, just when we come there be respectful, she is already dealing with a lot, her family and friends are their so it's not nice to make fun of her and it's her own house so, please be nice we can talk after the reveal?"

"I'll see-" mum tries to say.

"No one will see! I swear mum if you open your mouth to her and something disrespectful comes out I'll let you put myself, I love you I do but she is my fiancée now, we're getting married soon and that means so much to me so please!" I grip the steering wheel harder trying not to yell harder.

"Fine, but tell her to not talk to me." Mercy states, Felix tries to tell Mercy to calm down and just be nice but she doesn't want to hear it. It bothers me, it makes me scared, scared for Josephine and our problems, her health, everything! I send Jo a quick text I'm on my way but no respond.

Arriving at home I let everybody in first and keep an eye on Mercy and mum, I told Felix to control Merc a bit. I'm not up for this bullshit now. I scan the room but no Josephine, everything is decorated but she is nowhere to be found, her friends are their talking and laughing so I just decide to walk up to Jacob since he's the only one I really know "hey, you know where Jo is?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah she is in the bathroom, I think you should check on her, she hasn't come out since you texted her you are on you'r way." I quickly nod running to the bathroom finding a stressed Kath, her parents couldn't make it today but we promised we would record it.

"go to the party and I'll talk to Jo?" I question making a look to Kath who walks to the party making sure they are enjoying their selfs. I quickly knock on the door, she is making me anxious. "Jo baby? Open up its Hero-" the door opens while she pulls me in and quickly locks it again. Her cheeks are covered in dry tears. I slowly approach her and wipe her cheeks. "Hey what happened?" I aks.

"I'm scared Hero, this was supposed to be one of the best days of my life and I'm ruining it of being scared of you'r ducking family!" She whisper yells. I feel sorry now. I feel guilty but I brush it off.

"Jo look at me, everything is fine, we are going to have some lunch with everyone, gonna pop a ballon or whatever ya'll planned, then we eat dinner and the next day they are going to a hotel if they want to stay longer, please just dry you're tears and live the best day of you'r life... with me?" I make puppy eyes which made her laugh and dried her cheeks, and gave me a kiss, oh I know what she is doing she tries deepening the kiss and tries to get her tiny hands to my part. But no that isn't going to happen. "Nice try babe, come on." I pull her out of the bathroom and she tries to pull back which I ignore. She is wearing a beautiful white dress with white sandals, a jean jacket and some kind of bandana around her bun. She is absolutely stunning even when she is pregnant and she keeps telling me how ugly she is everyday, I can see past that, I see my beautiful fiancée and my kid. I can't wait anymore! When we enter the room everyone is already in place on the very long table, Mercy and mum are sitting there like they are the queens and it annoys me, Jo lowers her head. Is she crazy!? Felix gives me a sorry look but I tell him with my eyes it's fine. Me and Jo are sitting head next to Jo is Kath and some friends on the other side are all of my friends and next to me is Mercy with mum.

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