08: Covid-19?

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A/N: as you may see on the title it's callled COVID so you know what's about to happen and After We Collided isn't filmed yet. I know this isn't the 'real life schedule' but everything is different in this story don't worry! For now enjoy!

{Josephine Langford}

When I opened the door I was scared that it might was Hero, I wasn't scared of him but what should I've done. Hug him? Kiss him? After he cheated? Right, he cheated. Nothing really special happend the last days with me and Beau, Kath is shooting some new movie or serie again. I don't know. I don't really listened. I was busy playing with Beau. He is really the love of my life, besides Hero. No! Beau comes first not Hero.

2 months later.

It's Valentine's Day now and I hate it. I'm fucking alone on Valentine's Day. Who spends that alone. I remember when Hero and I had Valentine's Day together. It was the day the movie came out and we made love all night. I hate that he isn't here and that he never tried contacting me. I just have to spend it with my Angel who is 11 months now. Just one month left before he's one. His first birthday without a father.

{Hero Fiennes Tiffin}

I just came out of rehab. I did it. I'm 8 months clean of liquor and cigarettes and it feels amazing. I came home to my own apartment texting Merc I did it. I wanted to stay longer but I felt that I need to make things right with Jo. She had suffered enough and I did too. Our son is gonna be one in one month.

Merc🙎🏼‍♀️: I'm so proud of you! Have you told Jo yet? You really have some explaining to do if you want her back. Your son is almost one remember he is born on the six of April.

Me: I remember Merc, I was just gonna text her but maybe I should wait a day. I just came out of rehab. I'll just sleep a night on it.

Merc🙎🏼‍♀️: Just do it otherwise she'll never forgive you, goodnight cuz I know you ain't waking your ass up until tomorrow.

Me: yeah, yeah, now goodnight sis.

After that she didn't response anymore cause We just didn't have anything to talk about anymore. I did what I told her. I went to bed a fell a sleep.

There a loud knocks on my door when I wake up. What the actual fuck! It's four AM, whoever that person is, is gonna be dead. Those fuckers. I swear I just want some peace and of course the wanker doesn't stop knocking it only gets louder. When I open the door it feels like someone knocked the air out of my lungs. She plunges herself at me with Beau in between us.

"Thank god you'r safe!" She cries. What the hell is going on!?

{Josephine Langford.}

I was watching the news when they found a new disease called COVID-19. It comes out of China but it's been spreading for so long now. It has been for months and they never informed us anything! They say London is one of the worst countries right now along with Spain. They also said this is the last night you can fly. So that's what I did. I looked for a face mask and took my baby stretcher to put Beau in it. I don't want paparazzi to see him and I don't want him to get that virus. I pack my suitcase with his clothes and mines. A lot of toys and the all the stuff I need. The crib and bigger stuff I'll just buy in London if I need to stay long. Me and Hero aren't are on good terms but I need to make sure he's okey and not sick and he's doing fine. I had putten Beau in my baby wrap and let everything behind I had built up in the past eleven months. I had been so strong but this is important.

When I'm in London I just took a cab to his apartment and started knocking on his door. Luckily Beau was sound a sleep the whole flight and also now. He doesn't responds so I start to knock harder. I do realise it's four AM but I don't care. The door flies open with a annoyed Hero. He looks so good. Maybe even better? I plunge in his arms. "Thank god you'r safe!" I cry in his neck with Beau in between us. He is a bit heavy now but it's fine.

"What are you doing here Jo?" He asks. Isn't he happy to see me? Was he happy when I told him to leave me. Is that why he looks better?

"You don't want me here?" I ask him but his face expression changes completely.

"No, fu-" I shush him. I don't want him to curse now as Beau starts picking up words now even tho he never said a normal word. "Sorry, I meant of course I want you here I'm so happy that you're here and I was planning on coming to you tomorrow why are you all of a sudden here?"

"Haven't you seen the news? There is a new disease Hero. It's called COVID-19. I was so worried I didn't heard from you in eleven months."

"Hold up, Covid?" He asks me again.

"Jesus where do you come from under a rock?" I ask him while I put his tv on. He lets himself fall on his couch and his face is serious. He looks at the tv and keeps a straight face. Sometimes he frowns.

"I'm sorry I didn't see this. I'm ask so sorry for doing this to you but can I explain to you what really happened?" He asks and my heart starts hurting again. I take place on the couch next to him and hold Beau close to me hoping that it will bring me some comfort. "I- I uhm okey first I want to tell you I was an alcoholic even when I met you, I thought it never could come so far but it did. And that was when Mercy told me. In the pub I was so wasted that that girl I saw that it wasn't just some horny girl. I saw you, when I was about to come the alcohol had been taken down a bit and looked down but it wasn't you. I pulled her away and ran to the parking lot and threw up. It was so fucked up, sorry. It was very wrong of me and I had a movie to film it took me three months, after that I went straight to rehab. I just wanted to go to stop drinking but I also did stop smoking. I'm 8 months clean Jo. Today I'm 8 months clean. And I want to change for the better. For you, for Beau!" He changed for me. For our little family. He did it for us. I love him so much. And that bitch didn't even did a good job. Fuck her. She is not ruining us. He means the world to me with Beau. He is what I need, he is my drug. And I'm his. We are going through this together.

"I love you," I peck his lips. But of course Hero knowing he tries to deepen but I pull away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to. I understand if your not comfortable with you body. I'm also sorry for not notching that sooner." I can see he's very sorry and he never meant this to happen.

"No, I'm okey with my body now. It's Beau baby. He's here." I giggle which makes him look between us and sees our little creation. Our perfect little monster that's almost one.

"He's perfect." Hero caresses his cheeck and pulls him out the wrap I was wearing. I'm afraid since he never spent time with Beau. "It's okey, my manager had two kids. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me the most." He says walking toward the fire place that's on. Of course theres glass before it. I hug him from behind and I hear him sigh in relief.

"It's okey love." I tell him which makes him smile. That beautiful smile I've missed so much.

A/N: I know, very cute. Anyways hope everything goes well now. Even tho... hmm nah, just a reminder... it's me😏

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