Chapter Twenty-Three

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The next day all students are murmuring about something. Some students are clueless about what happened.

"Did you guys hear what happened to a Gryffindor first year last night?" Tendou asked them while they are eating breakfast

"Yea it looks like he was attacked by the same person or thing that attacked Filch's cat" Suga said eating beside Daichi who keeps on feeding him

"We're not so sure but I heard Collin was petrified so maybe" Kiyoko said

"Do you guys think that Chamber was really opened? I mean Shoyo told us about the history of it and someone died" Atsumu added

"Well he also said that no chamber was found no matter what they do to find it" Kageyama pointed out

They both glare at each other because they definitely have contrast opinion Kita and Daichi immediately stopped them before it gets out of hand

"You both have point but no need to fight our professors are already doing their investigation" Kita

"So please for the time being guys be careful, if you met or feel someone or something suspicious get away or call for help" Shoyo said worriedly Oikawa and Kuroo immediately hug him on both side as if protecting him the other simps are jealous but they were informed about the compromised for Kuroo and Oikawa so they let them be, Kunimi doesn't seem to be jealous much he is just glad that Shoyo looks happy all the time

"Don't worry chibi-chan we're gonna protect you" Oikawa and Kuroo said

"Big words coming from both of you maybe if you guys can study more in your DADA subject you can say that again same with you Bokuto-san" Akaashi pointed out while eating that makes the others laughed

"Agaashi/Akaashi why do you attacked us like that" Kuroo, Bokuto and Oikawa said whining

"Seems like there's something you can't do here crappykawa" Iwaizumi smirked they all laugh again

"So mean Iwa-chan~, Chibi-chan defend us" Oikawa said, Shoyo giggled before turning to his friends

"I'm sure you guys will get the hang of it, and please lessen the teasing guys I'm sure they are doing their best, you all are so let's help each other" Shoyo said gently

"Sorry Shoyo" they said the ginger just smiled at them

"But back to the topic guys please be careful okay" Shoyo said

After that they happily enjoyed the breakfast except Kenma who doesn't even touch his food

"Kenma you need to eat you guys still have classes" Shoyo said looking at Kenma

"I'll just finish this game Sho just a little more" Kenma answered without looking at him

"Ken ken I'll count to 3 if you don't put that switch down I'll confiscate it for a week" Shoyo said seriously his Slytherin side is showing which send shivers to the others while Kenma save his game before putting it away so he can eat

"I'll eat now" Kenma said getting his spoon and fork

"Good you can play later after eating" Shoyo said before smiling brightly again

'Shoyo's moodswing is scary sometime' the others who still not used to Shoyo being strict and cold thought especially the simps

'It's kinda hot though' the simps thought slightly blushing from what they are thinking

"Anyways I need to go for now, I'm already done eating I'll go to the others I'll see you guys in class okay?" Shoyo said to them, he kissed the simps, Suga, Kiyoko, Yachi and Yams on the cheeks while he gave Kunimi a peck on the lips

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