Valentine's Special-Two

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(A/n: Heya guys so these are the Valentine's special that i wrote since yesterday, I'm sorry fo the the other request I didn't made, I run out of ideas. Just a heads up these one shots contains, spoilers from the manga, so many supoer cringy concept and some different au's I really want to post it today at Valentine's but I run out of time too so. Happy late Valentine's day , I hope you guys enjoy these cringy one shot 🥺🥺😅♥️
P.s. I didn't edit some parts of this so I'm sorry for the typos and grammatical error I made this at 2-3 in the morning yesterday hihi 😅😅)


In the peaceful Valentine's celebration in Shiratorizawa academy, couples enjoying different booths and foods except a certain couple quarrelling in the volleyball gym

"I told you we can just spend it in a quiet and secluded place not in this crowded place. Why can't you understand that?!" Shirabu said as usual being his salty self

"But I want to enjoy the day with you in the booths around the school!" Goshiki shouted too

"Don't shout at me I'm older than you and no I don't approve of that we will just celebrate this stupid Valentine's in our dorms without those noisy students and crowded place outside" Shirabu shouted too, Goshiki is already tearing up, their teammates wants to interfere but they are afraid to make it worst

"I hate you! Go spend Valentine's on your own!" Goshiki said crying then runs outside to go somewhere, Shirabu was left there pulling his hair in frustration.

All the members went quiet when Goshiki left no one wants to utter a word their setter looking so mad but worry and frustration in his eyes.

Semi who can't stand the tension steps in and walk towards Shirabu which surprise the other players

"Shirabu" Semi said when he is beside Shirabu who's sitting now in the floor of the gym

"Let's talk in the clubroom" Semi said then motion Shirabu to follow him no one dares to follow them

The moment they arrive at clubroom, Semi pushed Shirabu in the wall clenching his fist

"What the fuck?! What's your problem?!" Shirabu shouted

"Don't shout at me I'm your senpai, listen here you little saltshaker, being in a relationship doesn't mean you can control your partner, being in relationship means you also need to compromise with your lover. I know you don't like crowds and noisy places but you need to adjust for your lovers sake. You can just let him enjoy the day with you the way he wants to then you both can do the things you plan to. If you can't do that for Goshiki then I suggest to just leave him alone" Semi said gritting his teeth, Shirabu looks even more frustrated regret in his eyes

"I'm sorry" he said

"Don't apologize to be little shit go find Goshiki and apologize to him and make up to him" Semi said Shirabu immediately run out of the club room to look for Goshiki while Semi left there smiling sadly at his kohai when suddenly Tendou went out of the corner

"What a martyr Semi-semi, you like Shirabu right?" Tendou asked Semi who looks at him in surprise

"I don't know what you're talking about Tendou and stop calling me Semi-semi" Semi said nonchalantly looking away from Tendou

"Ohhh it's okay Semi-semi let's just go outside and enjoy this day with the others to forget about your heartbreak" Tendou said holding Semis's shoulder

Semi sigh didn't protest even more

'I'm already happy seeing him happy with the one he love' Semi thought

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